Greining og hönnun - part 1


Always choice the most correct explanation
Arnar Leifsson
Test por Arnar Leifsson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Arnar Leifsson
Creado por Arnar Leifsson hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

What are the steps of the development process? (In ascending order)
  • Initiation, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Support and maintenance
  • Initiation, Design, Analysis, Implementation, Testing, Support and maintenance
  • Initiation, Design, Implementation, Analysis, Testing, Support and maintenance
  • Initiation, Design, Implementation, Analysis, Support and maintenance, Testing

Pregunta 2

What is the purpose of a requirement analysis report?
  • A document which explains what the system should do
  • A document which explains how the system is implemented
  • A document which lists up the stakeholders
  • A document which explains the architecture of the system

Pregunta 3

What is a requirement?
  • A well defined, testable statement that can be verified
  • A well structured, negotiable statement that can be tested
  • An informal action that the user can do within the system
  • Another concept for a user story

Pregunta 4

What are the names of the columns in a requirement list (in ascending order) ?
  • Number, Name, Use case number, Priority, Status
  • Number, Name, Actor, Priority, Main goal
  • Source, Name, Pre-condition, Post-condition, Actors
  • Number, Name, Use case number, Source, Status

Pregunta 5

What are five of the most used information gathering techniques?
  • Interviews, Questionnaires, Prototypes, User observation, Examination of other systems
  • Interviews, Questionnaires, Think-aloud method, Prototypes, Heuristic evaluation
  • Direct observation, Indirect observation, Heuristic evaluation, Think-aloud method, Peer review
  • Direct manipulation metaphor, Desktop metaphor, Dialog metaphor, Document metaphor, Observation of user clicks

Pregunta 6

What does HCI stand for?
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Human Conception Interaction
  • Heuristic Communication Ideas
  • Hash Collection Information

Pregunta 7

Definition of usability (The ISO definition)
  • The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context
  • The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and speed in a specified context
  • The extent to which a specified user can use a specified product to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context
  • The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified determinations with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context

Pregunta 8

What are the five categories of stakeholders?
  • Internal, external, operational, executive and client
  • Internal, exclude, operational, executive and client
  • Association, operational, business, executive, fund managers
  • Exclude, exit, entry, do, internal

Pregunta 9

How would you describe internal stakeholders?
  • People within the organization who interact within the system or have interest in it
  • People outside an organization, have interest in the operations and interact with the system or have interest in it
  • Persons who regularly interact with the system in jobs or lives
  • People with financial and operational interest in the system

Pregunta 10

What are the columns in a table that describes the user groups?
  • User group, background, use of the system, context and the main tasks
  • User group, background, environment, technical environment and the main tasks
  • User group, source, use of the system, priority and the main tasks
  • User group, use of the system, source

Pregunta 11

"As a skater I want to pay money so that I can go to the skate park" is an example of:
  • User story
  • Use case
  • Scenario
  • Storyboard

Pregunta 12

This is a fictional story about a persona which creates a context and "actual" physical world. What is this?
  • User story
  • Scenario
  • Use case
  • Storyboard

Pregunta 13

What are the columns of a use case?
  • Name, number, priority, precondition, description, alternative flow, postcondition, source, actors, author
  • Name, number, status, precondition, description, alternative flow, postcondition, source, actors, author
  • Name, number, condition, description, base flow, source, author
  • Number, source, description, method, author

Pregunta 14

What are the UML diagrams?
  • Class diagram, object diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram and use case diagram
  • Class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram and use case diagram
  • Class diagram, package diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram and use case diagram
  • Class diagram, implementation diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram and use case diagram

Pregunta 15

What is described in the "Alternative flow" in use cases?
  • Describes what happens when things don't go perfectly as planned
  • Describes what happens when a non-functional requirement is implemented
  • Describes the feeling when listening to Alternative rock
  • Describes what happens when the actor is non-existing

Pregunta 16

What does generalization describe in an use case diagram?
  • Describes the relation between actors, or between use cases
  • Describes the general structure of the use case diagram
  • Describes the "has-a" relationship between the actors
  • Used to describe when a use case uses another use case

Pregunta 17

What does '<<extend>>' describe in a use case diagram?
  • Used to describe when a use case uses another use case
  • Used to describe when a use case "may" refer to another use case
  • Used to describe boundaries between the use cases
  • Used to describe the relation between actors, or between use cases

Pregunta 18

What are the four steps of information gathering?
  • Preparation, gather the data, analyze the data and describe the data
  • Preparation, gather the data, analyze the data and design a low-fidelity prototype
  • Initiation, design, analyze and test
  • Analyze, design, implementation and testing

Pregunta 19

Which one of those is NOT a data gathering method? (You can choose more than one)
  • JAD session
  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires
  • Prototypes
  • Existing documentation
  • Vendor solutions
  • Class diagram
  • Applying the rules of Sheiderman

Pregunta 20

What is a field study?
  • An observation made while the user does his daily tasks in his own environment
  • An observation where the user is observed solving predefined tasks, often in a usability lab
  • An observation where users are encouraged to click everything possible in a system to search for bugs
  • An observation where the clicks of a user is measured

Pregunta 21

What are the four roles in a JAD session?
  • Session leader, users, technical staff and project team member
  • Session leader, clients, technical staff and project leader
  • Project leader, stakeholders, users and developers
  • Project leader, stakeholders, users and usability experts

Pregunta 22

Which one of these is the correct statement?
  • A goal may consist of many tasks which may consist of many actions
  • A goal may consist of many actions which may consist of many tasks
  • A task may consist of many actions which may consist of many goals
  • An action may consist of many goals which may consist of many tasks

Pregunta 23

Which one of the following is an example of a prototype? (You can choose more than one)
  • Storyboards
  • Wireframes
  • Moodboards
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Mindmap

Pregunta 24

What are the two principles from Donald Norman?
  • Likability and affordance
  • Visibility and affordance
  • Strive for consistency and reduce short-term memory load
  • Repurposing and platform optimization

Pregunta 25

What is an example of a direct manipulation?
  • Browsing and entering data in electronic documents
  • Giving orders through a joystick
  • When the computer responds to your voice, like Siri
  • Programs that resemble real life objects like Calculator in Windows
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