Pregunta 1
I bought a new MacBook Pro last month, and I’ve been very happy with it so far. The Intel Core 2 Duo processor is a real bonus, allowing the computer to [blank_start]perform[blank_end] tasks faster than earlier MacBook
Pregunta 2
the 160GB hard drive is large enough to [blank_start]store[blank_end] all of my music, photos and videos;
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and I didn’t even need to buy an external [blank_start]monitor[blank_end]_ the widescreen 17” display is easy to look at, even for long periods of time.
Pregunta 4
Another great feature is the [blank_start]built-in[blank_end] iSight camera; it can be used for web chats, to make video podcasts, or even just to take digital photos.
Pregunta 5
Software updates are easy, too: if you're [blank_start]online[blank_end] – just surfing the Web or checking email –
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and an update becomes available, a box appears asking if you want to download the update. You just click [blank_start]OK[blank_end], and it’s done.
Pregunta 7
I don’t even have to worry about security either. Every time I transmit [blank_start]data[blank_end] from my computer on the Internet,
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Apple’s Safari web browser protects my [blank_start]personal[blank_end] information, such as bank details and credit card numbers, using a firewall.
Pregunta 9
The only criticism I have is the lack of a good [blank_start]word processor[blank_end], such as Microsoft Word. I had to buy a copy of Microsoft Office 2008 in the end, which cost an extra £99.95 – and that’s with a student discount!
word processor
word processing