Listening Test 1


(Listening Tests) 5th grade. The English Language Olympiad Test sobre Listening Test 1, creado por Veronika Bebekh el 05/11/2020.
Veronika Bebekh
Test por Veronika Bebekh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Veronika Bebekh
Creado por Veronika Bebekh hace casi 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

What is purple?
  • Her clothes
  • Her hair
  • Her car

Pregunta 2

What does she like on her pizza?
  • salami, pepperroni
  • pineapple, salami
  • pepper, salami
  • pineapple, peperoni

Pregunta 3

What does she like about winter?
  • The clothes
  • The food
  • The snow

Pregunta 4

What does she say about tennis?
  • She plays every day
  • She hates it
  • She takes lessons

Pregunta 5

What kind of movie does she like?
  • Dramas
  • Comedies
  • Horror

Pregunta 6

Todd: Natalie, let's talk about our [blank_start]favourite[blank_end] things. Natalie: Sure. Todd: First, what is your favourite colour? Natalie: My favourite colour is purple. Todd: Really? My favourite colour is [blank_start]purple[blank_end] too. Natalie: Oh, really? Todd: Yeah, but I don't have purple clothing. I love the colour purple, but I don't have purple clothes. Natalie: Oh, well, everything I [blank_start]wear[blank_end] is purple. Todd: No kidding? Natalie: Yeah, really. Todd: That's so [blank_start]cool[blank_end]. So what about food? What's your favourite food? Natalie: Good question. My favourite food is pizza. I love pizza, but I don't like [blank_start]really[blank_end] big pizzas. Todd: I love pizza too. What is your favourite [blank_start]topping[blank_end] on pizza? Natalie: I like really [blank_start]spicy[blank_end] toppings, so salami or pepperoni, chilies, and sometimes bell peppers too. Todd: Do you like [blank_start]thick[blank_end] pizza or thin pizza? Natalie: No, I don't like thick pizza, because I can't eat too much. The [blank_start]thin[blank_end] pizzas, I get lots of toppings and I don't feel so full. Todd: Yeah, I agree. What about seasons? What is your favourite [blank_start]season[blank_end]? Natalie: My favourite season is winter. Todd: Winter? Natalie: Yeah, I love winter, don't you? Todd: No, I [blank_start]hate[blank_end] winter. Why do you like winter? Natalie: I love the snow. Todd: Oh, I hate the snow. Well, I like the snow a little bit, but I hate cold weather. Natalie: Yeah, I guess the cold is kind of annoying, but the snow is so much fun. I go skiing and I play snowball fights and I build snowmen. Todd: Yeah, that sounds fun. What about sports? What's your favourite sport? Natalie: I'd say my favourite sport is tennis. Todd: That's interesting. Do you [blank_start]play[blank_end] tennis? Natalie: Yeah, but I'm not very good. Todd: Do you like singles or doubles? Natalie: At the moment I'm having singles lessons. They're really fun. Todd: Oh, now you are taking tennis lessons? Natalie: Yes, about [blank_start]twice[blank_end] a week. Todd: Do you watch tennis on TV? Natalie: Yes, I watch it all the time. Todd: Who is your [blank_start]favourite[blank_end] tennis player? Natalie: I really like Roger Federer. Todd: Yeah. He's really good. Okay, last question. What is your favorite movie? Natalie: I don't have a favourite [blank_start]movie[blank_end], but I really like comedies. Todd: So what is your favourite comedy? Natalie: My favourite comedy is Ace Ventura. Todd: Ace Ventura is very funny, but that movie is really old. Natalie: It is, but it's a classic, Todd. Todd: It's like 20 years old, I think, maybe more. Natalie: I know. I've seen it a hundred times. Todd: Yeah. I like it a lot too.
  • favourite
  • purple
  • wear
  • cool
  • really
  • topping
  • spicy
  • thick
  • thin
  • season
  • hate
  • play
  • twice
  • movie
  • favourite
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