PA 4


ARCH PA Test sobre PA 4, creado por M. A. el 20/11/2020.
M. A.
Test por M. A., actualizado hace más de 1 año
M. A.
Creado por M. A. hace más de 4 años
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

When analyzing daylighting conditions for a project, sky conditions are classified in three different ways. What are they? (Choose 3)
  • Radiant
  • Partly cloudy
  • Clear
  • Indirect
  • Overcast
  • Direct
  • Diffuse

Pregunta 2

As you are walking a site for a project that will be constructed, what are some things that you should be especially aware of in terms of their impact on increased construction costs? (Choose 4)
  • High water table
  • Coniferous trees
  • Fewmets
  • Scat
  • Evidence of slides
  • Rock lying close to the surface
  • Soft clay

Pregunta 3

You are analyzing the codes for the allowable building heights of a new building project. Which of the following code-related factors are relevant to the allowable building height of a project? (Choose 3)
  • Area modifications
  • Zoning
  • Construction type
  • Municipal bond parameters
  • Floor area ratio
  • Deed restrictions
  • Fire suppression system

Pregunta 4

When assisting various clients with programming and space planning, which of the following are not required to be accessible or on an accessible route? (Choose 4)
  • Bowling alley
  • Lifeguard chair
  • Diving platform
  • Shooting range
  • Miniature golf course
  • Water slide
  • Raised boxing ring

Pregunta 5

The Owner on a new project has asked you to assist with creating a preliminary budget for a building project. When working up a general cost estimate for project budgetary purposes, which of the following would most likely not be included? (Choose 4)
  • Unusual foundation situations
  • Mechanical engineering
  • New utility services to the transformer
  • Schematic Design
  • Unconventional requests typically not found under building type
  • Removing trees
  • Contingencies

Pregunta 6

You are reviewing the documentation submitted to you by the Owner of a new project. When reviewing a soils report, what information should you be looking for? (Choose 4)
  • Bearing capacity of the soil
  • Compaction density
  • Groundwater conditions
  • Soil types encountered at various depths
  • Potable water percentage
  • Soil classifications
  • Seismic classification

Pregunta 7

Considered an additional service that an Architect can provide, this process seeks to identify and analyze the architectural problem, and then find and preliminarily test solutions for this problem that are satisfactory to the client. This process is referred to as what?
  • Programming
  • Design
  • Feedback analysis
  • Feasibility

Pregunta 8

You are assisting a new client with defining their programming and internal space needs for a new restaurant. This is an independent restaurant, not a franchise or corporate chain, so the space requirements are not clearly defined. What are some other factors that might be used to define the program space requirements for this project? (Choose the best 3)
  • Daylight factor
  • Activities that require specified volume
  • Occupant load
  • Equipment dimensions
  • Required infiltration rates
  • Parking requirements

Pregunta 9

While you are assisting an Owner in laying out the space requirements for a new restaurant in the Programming Phase, the Owner explains that they want to be able to seat 50 people comfortably. Having a general idea of the net area per seat, what would be a reasonable amount of space to dedicate to the dining area for seating guests?
  • 3,500 s.f.
  • 5,000 s.f.
  • 2,000 s.f.
  • 750 s.f.

Pregunta 10

When an architectural design firm establishes common standards of space requirements for types of rooms, spaces and activities based on dimensions of other similar facilities, what is this called?
  • Parody
  • Mirroring
  • Benchmarking
  • Historic preservation

Pregunta 11

When receiving programming information from a client, which of the following category of function can you assume would most likely have the lowest efficiency ratio?
  • Retail spaces
  • Hospital
  • Museums
  • Offices

Pregunta 12

You have been tasked with assisting a developer in the Programming Phase of a retail store. The developer is requesting a high efficiency ratio in the range of 0.80 to 0.90. What is one way you might accomplish this?
  • Plumbing walls
  • Increased insulation R-values
  • Well-planned circulation layout
  • Well-sealed joints and cracks

Pregunta 13

After a preliminary programming exercise with a client, it is determined that the net assignable area for a child daycare center is 5,500 square feet. The desired efficiency ratio is 85%. What is the gross floor area you should plan for?
  • 11,145
  • 7,500
  • 6,470
  • 4,675

Pregunta 14

You are assisting a new client with the programming of a project, billed as an additional service. You are at the stage of studying the relationship between spaces. When considering how spaces are used and occupied, what are three basic elements that can help define what spaces need to be adjacent to each other? (Choose 3)
  • Products stored or manufactured
  • Access to daylight
  • Information exchanged
  • Horizontal circulation
  • Utility placement
  • People occupying the spaces
  • Vertical circulation

Pregunta 15

You are excited to be designing your first residential project on your own. The Owner who has hired you has also requested that you assist with defining the program as an additional service. When considering adjacencies, which would typically be considered primary adjacencies?
  • Kitchen/dining
  • Bedroom/dining
  • Bathroom/entry
  • Office/kitchen

Pregunta 16

When programming an existing building with new functions, what are some existing factors or conditions that could influence the location of particular spaces? (Choose 4)
  • Plumbing
  • Hierarchy
  • Unique characteristics
  • Views
  • Floor coverings
  • Structure
  • Paint color

Pregunta 17

When considering the major classifications of space organization used in the Programming Phase, which type would employ a loose composition of spaces around a central axis?
  • Radial
  • Linear
  • Grid
  • Clustered

Pregunta 18

After a preliminary programming exercise with a new client, it is determined that the net assignable area for a restaurant is 3,500 s.f. The desired efficiency ratio is 70%. What is the gross floor area you should plan for?
  • 3,500
  • 5,000
  • 2,450
  • 7,450

Pregunta 19

You are assisting with the initial programming of an elementary school. The project will have a central air heating and cooling system with a mechanical service room. There will be multiple classrooms and boys and girls' bathroom facilities. There will also be a cafeteria with a kitchen, as well as a library. Additionally, you need to plan for administrative offices. When initially laying out the spaces and considering a conservative school budget, which of these spaces would it be important to have centrally located?
  • Bathrooms
  • Mechanical room
  • Library
  • Kitchen

Pregunta 20

During the Programming Phase of a project, there are many factors that influence the decisions made. Which of the following concepts helps us to understand the cultural influences on the spacing between people and territoriality?
  • Anthropology
  • Behavioral psychology
  • Eugenics
  • Proxemics

Pregunta 21

You are programming a new office space and, having worked in various offices in your career, you appreciate the need people have to "claim their own space." How is this concept referred to?
  • Self-ownership
  • Territoriality
  • Occupy office chair
  • Defensible space

Pregunta 22

Besides the actual space a programmatic element might require, what other psychological and social concepts can influence the way a project is programmed? (Choose the best 4)
  • Eye color
  • Average height
  • Collaboration
  • Status
  • Median age
  • Proxemics
  • Territoriality

Pregunta 23

For which type of project would the Owner or developer work out a pro forma statement listing the expected income of the project as well as the expected costs to build it and develop a budget from this information?
  • Non-profit project
  • Speculative project
  • Feasible project
  • Forecasted project

Pregunta 24

While assessing the feasibility of a building project, you are working out a preliminary budget. What are the four basic factors that influence the budget? (Choose the best 4)
  • Time
  • Funds available
  • Interest
  • Quantity
  • Risk tolerance
  • Quality
  • Number of occupants

Pregunta 25

You are sitting down to begin assisting a developer with a feasibility study on a new development in the Programming Phase. Which of the following factors should be included when considering project cost? (Choose 4)
  • Financing costs
  • Inspector bribes and payoffs
  • Construction cost
  • Methods and means
  • Utility access
  • Site acquisition costs
  • Surety

Pregunta 26

What is not a consideration an Architect should give during the Programming Phase for a construction project that will be separated into several phases?
  • Prioritizing within program requirements
  • Staging need
  • Office overhead for additional work and organizational costs
  • Utility access and site preparation

Pregunta 27

You are assisting an Owner with programming a community center that has a variety of multipurpose spaces. The ability to use the same space for a variety of functions will be critical to the success of the design. This will allow for maximum use of the space and provides for several different activities. What is this concept called?
  • Convertibility
  • Versatility
  • Expandability
  • Adaptability

Pregunta 28

You are working with a client on the Programming Phase for a project as an additional service. In developing your programming report, what are some items that you should be sure to include? (Choose 4)
  • Site analysis
  • Electrical Plan
  • Sections
  • Code research
  • Adjacency requirements
  • Foundation Detail
  • Stated objectives

Pregunta 29

You are working with a new client that is stressed about their available budget for a project. The client is pressuring you to provide a very accurate estimate of the final cost of the construction of the project. What conditions you can point to in order to justify that there are certain factors that are out of the Architect's control?
  • Construction means and methods, project schedule, market conditions
  • Market conditions, unknown site conditions, exact materials to be utilized
  • Goods and services cost fluctuations, exact materials to be utilized, unknown site conditions
  • Goods and services, cost fluctuations, construction means and methods, unknown site conditions

Pregunta 30

You are working for your architectural design firm on a program for a new project. What is the most appropriate way to calculate your cost estimates at this phase?
  • Programming Phase cost estimates are based on pricing of the major elements, such as structural system selected, and the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems used
  • Programming Phase cost estimates are made by taking a bubble diagram to a Contractor and getting a ballpark figure
  • Programming Phase cost estimates are simply a reflection of the client's budget until the building starts taking shape
  • Programming Phase cost estimates are based on a unit cost system, cost per square foot or historical data

Pregunta 31

You are in the initial planning phases for a project and updating a checklist of things to remember throughout the design and construction process. After the Contract for Construction has been awarded, what is the next thing the Contractor shall prepare and submit for the Architect to review?
  • Materials list
  • Construction Schedule
  • Application for Payment
  • Punch list

Pregunta 32

You are doing a preliminary analysis of interior building program connections to outdoor spaces and circulation in the Programming Phase. When considering accessible curb ramp slopes, what ratio should not be exceeded?
  • 1:8
  • 1:12
  • 1:6
  • 1:20

Pregunta 33

You have been selected to be the designer for a new renovation project that is considering whether to demolish a warehouse and build new loft spaces or convert the existing structure to include loft spaces. What should you first recommend be completed?
  • Building Official approval
  • Historical Society consent
  • Feasibility study
  • Neighborhood input

Pregunta 34

While completing the Programming Phase for a new project, you determine it would be helpful to have a brief set of outline specifications. How would this type of specification be organized?
  • By lead time
  • By division
  • By availability
  • By customer preference

Pregunta 35

Refer to figure below. You are assisting an Owner on a project to evaluate potential costs of different phases of construction. One of the consultants on the project has provided the following diagram. What phase of the project is this describing?
  • Topographic fluctuations
  • Crew productivity
  • Earthworks
  • Energy consumption efficiency opportunities

Pregunta 36

Refer to figure below. You are working on preliminary programming and massing on a project in an urban area. What is the FAR of the massing diagram shown?
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 4

Pregunta 37

You receive a call from a client that has a site they want to develop, but it has a high water table. In the Preliminary Design Phase, what are some issues you should anticipate? (Choose 4)
  • Need for continuous drainpipe along the foundation
  • Hydrostatic pressure on subterranean walls
  • Snow loads
  • Floating furniture
  • Foundation issues
  • Lack of potable water
  • Pumping water out during excavation

Pregunta 38

During the Programming Phase, you are doing an analysis for a new project that maps site circulation around the site. If you had to break down the circulation into three categories of importance, what would they be? (Choose the best 3)
  • Vehicular
  • Public
  • Service
  • Over 15 MPH
  • Emergency
  • Pedestrian
  • Under 10 MPH

Pregunta 39

You are scheduled to meet with the local Planning Department to do a preliminary review of some plans you are working on. Which of the following would be regulated by the Planning Department? (Choose 4)
  • Occupancy load
  • Setbacks
  • Grading and drainage plan
  • Elevator Plan check
  • Local zoning
  • Floor area ratio (FAR)
  • Building height

Pregunta 40

When considering how the various Zoning Codes came about, what are the four broad zoning categories? (Choose 4)
  • Roman
  • Prescriptive
  • Form-based
  • Performance
  • Proprietary
  • Euclidean
  • Incentive

Pregunta 41

Your firm has been hired to assist in the planning and design for a complex residential development that covers hundreds of acres. There are a number of different soil types on the site. What are some things that can be determined with geotechnical soil tests? (Choose 4)
  • Liquid and plastic limits
  • Specific gravity
  • Infiltration levels
  • Percolation rates
  • Settlement rates
  • Grain size and shape
  • Water content

Pregunta 42

You are in the building Programming Phase on a new project, estimating a schedule for the client based on preliminary programming. Which of the following of the Design/Construction Document Phases would most likely be the hardest to estimate when setting the Project Schedule?
  • Construction Documents
  • Programming
  • Design development
  • Schematic design

Pregunta 43

You are in the Programming Phase on a project and your client is asking for a Preliminary Schedule. In an effort to account for unexpected issues or unpredicted delays that may occur in a project's delivery, what would you usually include when completing a schedule this early in a project?
  • Termination clause
  • Contingency
  • Indemnification
  • Reconciliation

Pregunta 44

You are in the Programming Phase with a client that has a very tight timeline. A Project Schedule has already been estimated. News has come in that will reduce the critical path even further. Reducing the critical path reduces the entire Construction Schedule, and as a result will:
  • Increase overhead, increase job cost
  • Not affect job cost or overhead
  • Decrease overhead, decrease job cost
  • Increase job cost, decrease overhead

Pregunta 45

You are meeting with a major developer on a new project. This will be your first time meeting to discuss the project. Choose from the list below three of the most important questions you want to be sure to cover in your meeting. (Choose the best 3)
  • What is the program for the project?
  • Has a survey or soil sample been completed yet?
  • What is the budget?
  • Is there a preference for hand drawings or CAD work?
  • What finish is anticipated for appliances?
  • What is the target completion date?

Pregunta 46

You just concluded a very important meeting with the Owner on a project in which they clearly detailed important changes to the program that will affect the program, design, budget and Construction Schedule. You took scrupulous notes to be sure to include all important decisions and information. All you had with you at the meeting was your personal sketchbook, so you took the notes there. What would be the most appropriate way to handle this information? (Choose the best 3)
  • Email a summary of the meeting to important stakeholders
  • Text everyone and present the highlights of the meeting
  • Record the time, date and location of the meeting
  • Type up the important notes in a design log
  • Create addenda and attach to the Contract Documents
  • Snapchat your own team to be sure they are the best informed
  • Add a summary of the notes to the back of the existing Contract

Pregunta 47

The principal of the firm you are employed by has asked that you assist with setting an initial Project Budget for a large commercial project. You are provided the following information: Square footage of building: 25,000 s.f. Square footage of the site: 200,000 s.f. Estimated construction cost: $250 / s.f. Typical gross fee: 12% of construction costs Consultant fees: 20% of gross fee Contingency: 10% of gross fee Direct expenses: 3% of gross fee Calculate your estimated Design Project Labor Budget and choose the best answer.
  • $225,000
  • $502,500
  • $120,000
  • $750,000

Pregunta 48

You are preparing for your first meeting with a new client. What are some items you might discuss with the Owner of a project in preliminary design meetings to help determine project staffing needs? (Choose the best 4)
  • General expectations
  • Lot size
  • Zoning designation
  • Budget
  • Exact deliverables
  • Percent of sand in soil
  • Timeline

Pregunta 49

When sitting down to begin programming for a project, what are the four major considerations of any design problem? (Choose the best 4)
  • Style
  • Exposure
  • Location
  • Form
  • Economy
  • Function
  • Time

Pregunta 50

You are discussing the importance of good programming to a client of yours. If design is problem solving, what is programming?
  • Problem avoidance
  • Problem seeking
  • Problem synthesis
  • Problem itemizing

Pregunta 51

You have been hired by a client to assist with the programming of a proposed building structure. You have not programmed a building for a few years and you are trying to remember what the final product of a good program is. What is the result of good programming?
  • Rough sketches
  • Problem statement
  • Simple but clear diagrams
  • Choosing the delivery system

Pregunta 52

You are in the Programming Phase working with a client that has never written a program before. Programming concepts refer to more abstract ideas that the design then provides a physical response to. If the final design decision is to centralize the mechanical system, what is the corresponding programming concept?
  • People groupings
  • Service groupings
  • Home base
  • Hierarchy

Pregunta 53

Having a general idea of what the differences in costs are for various building types is important when providing preliminary and budgetary cost estimates. Which of the following building types would be the least expensive, assuming the construction quality was moderate for all of the choices?
  • Civic center
  • Correctional facilities
  • Hospital
  • Warehouse

Pregunta 54

Refer to figure below. A square footage cost estimate for this program for a residential structure was estimated at $175 / s.f. The efficiency goal for this project is 85%. What is the total estimated budget?
  • $355,500
  • $476,500
  • $428,750
  • $504,350

Pregunta 55

Refer to figure below. In an effort to reduce the budget on this residential project, the Owner decides to eliminate the office and use one of the bedrooms as an office. They will also reduce the kitchen square footage by 10%. The efficiency goal for this project is 90% and the square footage cost based on similar construction quality is being estimated at $150 /s.f. What is the total estimated budget?
  • $504,350
  • $367,500
  • $408,333
  • $376,650

Pregunta 56

You are in the Programming Phase working with an architectural associate that has never written a program before. You explain that programming concepts refer to more abstract ideas that the design then provides a physical response to. If the final design decision is to share a common courtyard and food court with another office building, what is the corresponding programming concept?
  • Accessibility
  • Communication
  • Relationships
  • Neighbors

Pregunta 57

Refer to figure below. Construction costs for similar projects of similar quality in the area where this restaurant is being built are $215 / s.f. The Owner needs to reduce the seating area by 20% to make their budget. What is the new estimated budget if the efficiency goal is 90%?
  • $754,678
  • $740,555
  • $668,865
  • $675,765

Pregunta 58

You are in the Programming Phase of a project working with a college intern that has never written a program before. Programming concepts refer to more abstract ideas that the design then provides a physical response to. If the final design decision is to schedule concurrently in an effort to reduce the Design and Construction Schedule, what is the corresponding programming concept?
  • Hierarchy
  • Environmental controls
  • Energy conservation
  • Phasing

Pregunta 59

Refer to figure below. Construction costs for similar projects of similar quality in the area where this restaurant is being built are $185 / s.f. The Owner needs to increase the seating area by 15% to make their profitability goals. What is the new estimated budget if the efficiency goal is 85%?
  • $487,475
  • $723,720
  • $675,875
  • $573,500

Pregunta 60

Having a general idea of what the differences in costs are for various building types is important when providing preliminary and budgetary cost estimates. Which of the following building type would be the most expensive, assuming the construction quality was moderate for all choices?
  • Warehouse
  • Office
  • Research lab
  • Educational facility

Pregunta 61

As an additional service, you are in the Programming Phase assisting an Owner that has never written a program before. You explain that programming concepts refer to more abstract ideas that the design then provides a physical response to. If the final design decision is to provide a realistic preview of costs and a balanced budget, what is the corresponding programming concept?
  • Energy conservation
  • Tolerance
  • Cost control
  • Flexibility

Pregunta 62

Refer to figure below. You are going through some papers and files from an employee who has left the firm you work for. You come across this image. What is the building type that this programming diagram describes?
  • Library
  • School
  • Community center
  • Boys & Girls Club

Pregunta 63

Refer to figure below. During the programming and space allocation for a building, it is important to have a basic understanding of some of the common accessibility guidelines. What it the missing dimension? (Enter a two-digit integer. Example: 00) [blank_start]____[blank_end]
  • 48

Pregunta 64

Refer to figure below. You should expect and prepare for ADA accessibility questions in each division of the ARE. What is this graphic the international symbol for?
  • Low level lighting
  • Turn off cell phone sound
  • Access for hearing loss
  • Energy efficient lighting

Pregunta 65

Refer to figure below. You are reviewing this programming bubble diagram with a client and describing the adjacencies. What level of adjacency does the children's area have to the story room?
  • Neutral adjacency
  • Undefined adjacency
  • Minor adjacency
  • Major adjacency

Pregunta 66

You are providing a budgetary cost estimate for a project that a developer has asked you to complete in the Programming Phase. Having a pretty good idea of the materials that will be used for the roadways, and assuming most are similar widths, what method would you most likely use to estimate the cost for roadways?
  • Unit cost
  • Square foot cost
  • Lump sum per linear foot
  • Lump sum

Pregunta 67

Refer to figure. You are planning for a project located in the southern United States with a frost line of 5". According to the IRC, what is the minimum footing depth?
  • 0"
  • 14"
  • 12"
  • 8"

Pregunta 68

Refer to figure. You are working with a client to produce an estimate of construction costs and evaluating how much excavation will be needed for the foundation. The residential project is in Arkansas, which has a freezing index of less than 1,500 in all counties. How deep will the footings need to be excavated? (Enter a two-digit integer. Example: 00) [blank_start]__[blank_end]
  • 12

Pregunta 69

When planning stair landings for a building for budgeting purposes, what is the minimum dimension the landing can be by code in the direction of travel?
  • 36"
  • 24"
  • 96"
  • 48"

Pregunta 70

You have been approached by a new client that would like to hire an architectural designer to assist with defining their project and the spaces that would be required for their particular needs. If using AIA Contracts, how would programming be contracted?
  • Interior Design Contract
  • Outside the scope of an architectural designer
  • Additional service
  • Basic service

Pregunta 71

You are considering contracting a new project but are concerned about the feasibility due to the Owner's budget and the variety of soil types on the land. If a soils report is required for a project, according to AIA Contract Document B101, which of the following statements is true?
  • The Owner is obligated to furnish services of a geotechnical engineer for the project
  • The Architect must provide soil samples
  • The Architect is obligated to hire a geotechnical engineer consultant for the project
  • The Contractor may hire a geotechnical engineer for the project

Pregunta 72

You are meeting with a potential client for the first time and discussing roles and responsibilities. According to AIA B101, who should furnish surveys to describe the physical characteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the site of the project, as well as a written legal description of the site?
  • Licensed surveyor
  • Architect
  • Contractor
  • Owner

Pregunta 73

A client has hired you to perform the standard Architect's Scope of Basic Services and would like you to review the program that another Architect prepared. Under AIA Contract Document B101, how would this be billed?
  • Basic service
  • Additional service
  • Not advised to review another's program
  • Under separate contract

Pregunta 74

One of your client's project sites is divided from the adjacent property by an existing wall. What would you look for to learn more about ownership and rights to the wall?
  • The most recent professional survey performed
  • Deed restrictions
  • City records
  • Party wall agreement

Pregunta 75

You are contacted by a client who wants to build a house on a site but it has no access to a sewer line. What options might they have to handle all wastewater for the site? (Choose the best answer)
  • Wait for sewer line to be installed
  • Septic system
  • Greywater system
  • Retention pond

Pregunta 76

An initial report which is used by the permitting agency to determine whether a full environmental report will be necessary for a project that may significantly affect the quality of the human environment is referred to as what?
  • Quality of Life Impact Study (QLIS)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Pregunta 77

You are reviewing the documents provided to you by an Owner on a project that was previously working with another Architect. You receive a plan showing the conditions of the site, details, existing structures, topography, offsets and benchmarks. What is this referred to as?
  • Construction survey
  • Possession survey
  • Plane survey
  • Geodetic survey

Pregunta 78

You are reviewing the feasibility of a project that is in the Programming Phase. You are collecting the potential project costs for a very preliminary cost estimate. At this stage of the process, what would be a typical allotment for contingency? (Choose the best answer)
  • 10%
  • 5%
  • 30%
  • 3%

Pregunta 79

You have a new project starting and the Owner is looking for budgeting help for construction costs on a 3,500 s.f. ice cream and candy shop. Construction costs for similar projects of similar quality in the area where this project is being built are $215 / s.f. How many square feet will the Owner need to reduce their footprint if their total budget is $725,000?
  • 128 s.f.
  • 500 s.f.
  • 700 s.f.
  • 223 s.f.

Pregunta 80

During the Site Analysis Phase of a theater project, of the options given, which two methods would be best to use for cost estimating? (Choose the best option for this program type)
  • Historical data / RS Means cost data
  • Unit method / historical data
  • Historical data / price per square foot
  • Area method / RS Means cost data

Pregunta 81

Refer to figure. You are planning the preliminary budget for a project located in Clark County, Idaho, where the air freezing index is 3,500. According to the IRC, what is the minimum R-value and insulation type for the vertical insulation protecting the footing?
  • 10.1 Rigid
  • 7.8 XPS
  • 9.0 Open Cell
  • 9.0 EPS

Pregunta 82

You are assisting a client with planning a new retreat center in a desert climate. The Owner is interested in sustainability and would like to use passive heating strategies where possible to reduce the need for mechanical heat. What is one strategy that should be considered as a solution for this climate?
  • Thermal blocking
  • Thermal bridging
  • Thermal comfort
  • Thermal mass

Pregunta 83

You are working with a client that is interested in a courtyard design. They want to use the courtyard as a casual meeting place for inhabitants, but also as a cooling feature for the building. They have heard of a natural atmospheric process of water entering the atmosphere after plants and soil have soaked up the moisture. What is this process referred to as?
  • Fenestration
  • Evaporative cooling
  • Photosynthesis
  • Evapotranspiration

Pregunta 84

You are programming a project for a client and they express interest in also including sustainable systems in the design. They have heard of a system that collects wastewater from bathtubs, shower drains, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers and recycles it for irrigation, toilets and exterior washing to conserve water. How is this system referred to?
  • Greywater
  • Bio digestor
  • Blackwater
  • Bio-remediator

Pregunta 85

You are in the Programming Phase of a project, but the Owner has an idea of the structure they want to use. They describe a system that uses rigid plastic foam forms that hold concrete in place during curing and remain in place afterwards to serve as thermal insulation concrete walls. What is this system?
  • SIPs
  • CMU
  • ICF
  • AAC

Pregunta 86

You are assisting someone in your office with the budgetary estimate for an adaptive reuse project in the Programming Phase focusing on net assignable square footage. They ask you to highlight all of the spaces that should not be included in this calculation. Which of the following should you highlight? (Choose 4)
  • Covered walkways
  • Balconies
  • Garages
  • Mechanical spaces
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Clinical Cardiology Multiple Choice Questions
Elle Ashe
Antivirals, Antimalarials, and Antihelminthic Drugs
Cancer Chemotherapy
Antimicrobial Agents
WEEK 4: Path Analysis
Clarissa Mackay
Antiviral Drugs and AIDS
Psychology Assumptions
Cardiology PA
Elle Ashe
EKG PA School
Elle Ashe