3.3 Command Line Interface (Console)


TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Test sobre 3.3 Command Line Interface (Console), creado por Pascal Bartl el 09/04/2021.
Pascal Bartl
Test por Pascal Bartl, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Pascal Bartl
Creado por Pascal Bartl hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

What is required to implement a TYPO3 CLI command? (2)
  • A CommandController must be registered in the file ext_localconf.php
  • A Symfony Command needs to be registered in the file Configuration/Commands.php
  • The system extension EXT:console must be enabled
  • TYPO3 must be installed using composer
  • The class should extend Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command

Pregunta 2

How do you implement console commands in a custom TYPO3 extension? (2)
  • No existing packages or APIs are available. CLI commands need to be implemented from scratch
  • By using the Symfony Console that is shipped with the TYPO3 core by default
  • By using the Drupal Command Controller that is shipped with the TYPO3 core by default.
  • The file Configuration/Commands.php needs to be added to the extension
  • By setting the property cli in file composer.json

Pregunta 3

Which statements about console commands and the TYPO3 Scheduler are correct? (2)
  • Console commands are only available in the Scheduler if the TYPO3 instance has been set up using Composer
  • Integrators can set arguments in the Scheduler that are passed to the console command
  • Integrators can set options in the Scheduler that are passed to the console command
  • You can configure if a console command is executable via the Scheduler or not

Pregunta 4

How do you prevent console commands in your extension from being executed in the Scheduler? (1)
  • By adding the annotation @notschedulable to the command class
  • By setting the property schedulable to false in the command class
  • By setting the flag schedulable to false in the file Configuration/Commands.php
  • By setting the flag schedulable to false in the TCA file scheduler.php
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