The third parameter of method assign() of the view must be true
The initializeAction() in the controller requires the parameter $json = true
The property $defaultViewObjectName can be used to create a JSON response by default
A directory View must exist inside Classes, which contains a file JsonView.php
Pregunta 2
What is the output of the following code snippet that uses Extbase’s JSON view? (1)
use \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;
use \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\View\JsonView;
class ExampleController extends ActionController
* @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\View\JsonView
protected $defaultViewObjectName = JsonView::class;
public function showAction()
$data = ['foo' => 'bar'];
$this->view->assign('value', $data);
The JSON payload: {"value": ["foo": "bar"]}
The JSON payload: {"foo": "bar"}
The JSON payload: [foo = "bar"]
A serialized array: a:1:{s:3:"foo";s:3:"bar";}
An empty serialized array: a:0:{}
Pregunta 3
What is the purpose of the function call setVariablesToRender() of the JSON view in Extbase? (1)
This is required to instruct the JSON view to render variable names other than value
This is required to instruct the JSON view to render multidimensional arrays
This is required to instruct the JSON view to render data types other than arrays
This can be used to switch between JSON, HTML, XML, etc. formats on a case-by-case basis