Pregunta 1
Which of the following are considered crushing tissue forceps?
Babcock tissue forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Doyen intestinal forceps
Rochester carmalt forceps (straight and curved)
Kelly hemostatic forceps (straight and curved)
Halsted mosquito forceps (straight and curved)
Pregunta 2
Which of the following are considered non-crushing tissue forceps?
Babcock tissue forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Doyen intestinal forceps
Rochester carmalt forceps (straight and curved)
Kelly hemostatic forceps (straight and curved)
Halsted mosquito forceps (straight and curved)
Pregunta 3
Which of the following are considered hemostatic forceps?
Rochester Carmalt forceps (straight and curved)
Kelly hemostatic forceps (straight and curved)
Halsted mosquito forceps (straight and curved)
Doyen intestinal forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Babcock tissue forceps
Pregunta 4
Name this instrument:
Allis Tissue Forceps
Babcock Tissue Forceps
Straight Doyen Intestinal Tissue Forceps
Straight Rochester-Carmalt Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Kelly Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Halsted Mosquito Hemostatic Forceps
Pregunta 5
What are Allis Tissue Forceps frequently used for?
Positioning of suction tubing and electrocautery wire on patient drap
Collection of tissues for histopathology due to limited crushing artifact
Should be used on tissue to maintain viability and blood supply
Pregunta 6
Name this Instrument:
Babcock Tissue Forceps
Allis Tissue Forceps
Straight Doyen Intestinal Tissue
Straight Rochester-Carmalt
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Kelly
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Halsted Mosquito
Hemostatic Forceps
Pregunta 7
What is the best use for Babcock Tissue forceps?
Used to help grasp and retract robust soft tissues such as the urinary bladder and stomach
To grasp delicate tissues
To clamp drape down to patient
Pregunta 8
Name this Instrument:
Straight Doyen Intestinal Tissue
Babcock Tissue Forceps
Allis Tissue Forceps
Straight Rochester-Carmalt
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Kelly
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Halsted Mosquito
Hemostatic Forceps
Pregunta 9
What is the purpose of the Straight doyen intestinal tissue forceps?
Used for intestinal lumen occlusion (enterotomies, resection and anastomosis)
Used to help grasp and retract robust soft tissues (stomach, bladder)
Frequently used for positioning of suction tubing and electrocautery wire on patient drape
Used for clamping pedicles/tissue
Designed for tip clamping of small to medium vessels
Designed for tip clamping of small vessels
Pregunta 10
Name this Instrument:
Straight Rochester-Carmalt
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight Doyen Intestinal Tissue
Babcock Tissue Forceps
Allis Tissue Forceps
Straight and Curved Kelly
Hemostatic Forceps
Straight and Curved Halsted Mosquito
Hemostatic Forceps
Pregunta 11
Straight Rochester-carmalts are designed for jaw clamping as opposed to tip clamping.
Pregunta 12
Rochester-carmalts are used for?
clamping pedicles/tissue
intestinal lumen occlusion (enterotomies, resection and anastomosis)
helping to grasp and retract robust soft tissues (stomach, bladder)
positioning of suction tubing and electrocautery wire on patient drape
tip clamping of small to medium vessels
tip clamping of small vessels
Pregunta 13
Name this Instrument:
Kelly hemostatic forceps (straight and curved)
Halsted mosquito forceps (straight and curved)
Rochester Carmalt forceps (straight and curved)
Doyen intestinal forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Babcock tissue forceps
Pregunta 14
Straight and curved kelly forceps are used for?
tip clamping of small to medium vessels
tip clamping of small vessels
clamping of pedicles/tissue
intestinal lumen occlusion (enterotomies, resection and anastomosis)
grasping and retracting robust soft tissues (stomach, bladder)
positioning of suction tubing and electrocautery wire on patient drape
Pregunta 15
Kelly hemostatic clamps are...?
Smaller than Rochester-Carmalt, bigger than Halstead-Mosquito
Longitudinally oriented serrations with cross-hatched tips
Smaller than Rochester-Carmalt and Halstead-Mosquito clamps
Pregunta 16
Name this instrument:
Babcock tissue forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Doyen intestinal forceps
Rochester Carmalt forceps (straight and curved)
Kelly hemostatic forceps (straight and curved)
Halsted mosquito forceps (straight and curved)
Pregunta 17
Halsted Mosquito clamps are used for?
tip clamping of small vessels
tip clamping of small to medium vessels
clamping pedicles/tissue
intestinal lumen occlusion (enterotomies, resection and anastomosis)
helping to grasp and retract robust soft tissues (stomach, bladder)
positioning of suction tubing and electrocautery wire on patient drape
Pregunta 18
Brown-Adson forceps
Adson forceps
DeBakey forceps
Bishop-harmon forceps
Pregunta 19
Brown-Adson forceps
Adson forceps
DeBakey forceps
Bishop-harmon forceps
Pregunta 20
Brown-adson forceps
Adson forceps
DeBakey forceps
Bishop-harmon forceps
Pregunta 21
Brown-Adson forceps
Adson forceps
DeBakey forceps
Bishop-harmon forceps
Pregunta 22
Brown adson tissue forceps are used for?
General tissue handling but serrated teeth can crush tissue
Tissue handling but have a poor grip on fat or other friable tissues
Soft tissue surgery as the most frequently used thumb forceps
To grasp tissue in ophthalmologic surgery
Pregunta 23
Which of the following is true in regards to Adson Tissue Forceps? (check all that apply)
Results in less crush injury than with brown-adson tissue forceps
Results in more crush injury than with brown-adson tissue forceps
Has a poor grip of fat or other friable tissues
Used frequently for general tissue handling but serrated teeth can crush tissues
Most frequently used thumb forceps in soft tissue surgery
Used to grasp tissue in ophthalmic surgery
Pregunta 24
Which of the following is/are true about the Debakey Tissue Forceps?
Most frequently used thumb forceps in soft tissue surgery
Less traumatic than Brown-adson thumb forceps
Used to grasp tissue in ophthalmologic surgery
Poor grip of fat or other friable tissues
Used frequently for general tissue handling but serrated teeth can crush tissue
Pregunta 25
Which of the following is/are true about DeBakey Tissue Forceps?
Most frequently used thumb forceps in soft tissue surgery
Less traumatic than Brown-Adson thumb forceps
Used to grasp tissue in ophthalmologic surgery
Poor grip of fat or other friable tissues
Used frequently for general tissue handling but serrated teeth can crush tissue
Pregunta 26
Which of the following is/are true about Bishop-Harmon Forceps?
Used to grasp tissue in ophthalmologic surgery
Smaller than other thumb forceps
Most frequently used thumb forceps in soft tissue surgery
Poor grip of fat or other friable tissues
Used frequently for general tissue handling but serrated teeth can crush tissue
Pregunta 27
Pregunta 28
Which of the following are true about Mayo Dissecting Scissors?
Used to incise dense tissue such as fascia, linea alba and trimming skin
Use to incise soft tissues such as subcutaneous tissues, intestine and urinary bladder
Thick blades (~1/3 of instrument length)
Thin, delicate blades (~1/4 of length of instrument)
Used for precision cutting, such as in ophthalmic and urologic surgery
Used for post-op suture removal
Can be used to cut suture intra-operatively
Used to incise thick, tough tissue and orthopedic wire
Pregunta 29
Which of the following are true about Straight Metzenbaum Scissors?
Used to incise soft tissues (subcutaneous tissues, intestine, bladder, etc)
Used for precision cutting, such as in ophthalmic and urologic surgery
Used for post-op suture removal
Used to incise thick, tough tissue and orthopedic wire
Can be used to cut suture intra-operatively
Pregunta 30
Which of the following are true about Stevens Tenotomy Scissors?
Used for precision cutting, such as in ophthalmic and urologic surgery
Narrow, delicate tipped precision scissors
Hooked tip used to entrap suture for cutting
Used to incise thick, tough tissue and orthopedic wire
Used to incise soft tissues (subcutaneous tissues, intestine, bladder, etc)
Used to incise dense tissue (fascia, linea alba, trimming skin)
Pregunta 31
Which of the following are true about Spencer Stitch Scissors?
Hooked tip used to entrap suture for cutting
Used for post-op suture removal
Used to incise thick, tough tissue and orthopedic wire
Used to incise dense tissue (fascia, linea alba, trimming skin)
Thick blades (~1/3 of instrument length)
Used to incise soft tissues (subcutaneous tissues, intestine, bladder, etc)
Used for precision cutting, such as in ophthalmic and urologic surgery
Pregunta 32
Which of the following is true about Vernon Cartilage and Wire Scissors?
Used to incise thick, tough tissue and orthopedic wire
Can be used to cut suture intra-operatively
Used for post-op suture removal
Used for precision cutting, such as in ophthalmic and urologic surgery
Used to incise soft tissues (subcutaneous tissues, intestine, bladder, etc)
Used to incise dense tissue (fascia, linea alba, trimming skin)
Pregunta 33
Mayo-Hegar needle holders
Olsen-Hegar needle holders
Castroviejo needle holders
Derf needle holders
Pregunta 34
Olsen-Hegar needle holders
Mayo-Hegar needle holders
Castroviejo needle holders
Derf needle holders
Pregunta 35
Derf needle holders
Castroviejo needle holders
Olsen-Hegar needle holders
Mayo-Hegar needle holders
Pregunta 36
Castroviejo Needle Holders
Mayo-Hegar needle holders
Olsen-Hegar needle holders
Derf needle holders
Pregunta 37
Which of the following are true about castroviejo needle holders?
Used for ophthalmic and vascular surgery
Spring loaded handle
Microsurgery needle driver
Combined needle driver/scissor
Textured tungsten-carbide jaw inserts provide intermediate needle holding security over smooth jaws or jaws with teeth
Pregunta 38
Which of the following is/are true about Derf Needle Holders?
Ophthalmic needle drivers
Small size useful for suturing smaller structures (eyelids, conjunctiva)
Spring loaded handle--Releases and grabs needle with minimal motion of hands
Combined needle driver/scissor
Textured tungsten-carbide jaw inserts provide intermediate needle holding security over smooth jaws or jaws with teeth
Pregunta 39
Which of the following is/are true about Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders?
Combined needle driver/scissor
Textured tungsten-carbide jaw inserts provide intermediate needle holding security over smooth jaws or jaws with teeth
Small size useful for suturing smaller structures (eyelids, conjunctiva)
Spring loaded handle
Pregunta 40
Which of the following is/are true about Mayo-Hegar Needle Holders?
Various sizes available
Textured tungsten-carbide jaw inserts provide intermediate needle holding security over smooth jaws or jaws with teeth
Combined needle driver/scissor
Ophthalmic needle drivers
Spring loaded handle
Pregunta 41
Balfour retractor
Finochietto retractor
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner retractor
Pregunta 42
Finochietto retractor
Balfour retractor
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner retractor
Pregunta 43
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner retractor
Finochietto retractor
Balfour retractor
Pregunta 44
Weitlaner Retractor
Gelpi Retractor
Finochietto Retractor
Balfour Retractor
Pregunta 45
Which of the following are considered self-retaining retractors
Balfour retractor
Finochietto retractor
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner retractor
Army-Navy retractor
Malleable retractor
Hohmann retractor
Senn retractor
Snook hook
Pregunta 46
Which of the following are Hand-Held Retractors or not self-retaining retractors?
Army-Navy retractor
Malleable retractor
Hohmann retractor
Senn retractor
Snook hook
Balfour retractor
Finochietto retractor
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner retractor
Pregunta 47
Which of the following is true about the Balfour retractor?
Central “bladder blade” can be used to retract rib cage cranially (access to liver and diaphragm
Blunt blades of used to retract abdominal wall laterally
Must be used with caution to protect underlying tissues
Adjustable rib retractor
Used for retraction of chest wall during intercostal thoracotomy and median sternotomy
Used for retraction of soft tissues (especially useful for retraction of muscle bellies during orthopedic or spinal surgery)
Useful for retraction of soft tissue in a small, superficial incision