Tips for students who are new to virtual learning


Tips for students who are new to virtual learning
Jairo Aguirre
Test por Jairo Aguirre, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jairo Aguirre
Creado por Jairo Aguirre hace casi 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

The tip: "Find a quiet place to set up" means:
  • A quiet environment is key when you're setting up space for virtual class time.
  • Just like ordinary class time, you'll want to have your materials at the ready when your virtual class or lecture begins.
  • Beginning virtual learning time with a deliberate intention lends extra purpose to your session and helps you focus on the content at hand.

Pregunta 2

It can be easy to get distracted when you're sitting alone in front of a device. Active listening strategies will help you maintain focus. This is a description for "Check: Are you muted?"
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 3

The tip: "Follow your teacher's instructions", involves:
  • As long as your teacher gives the OK, you can use the chat feature in your platform to ask questions
  • This may involve using a virtual hand-raise feature in the platform, or typing a message into a chat box.
  • Screen froze? Bumped from the class? App crashed? Don't panic!

Pregunta 4

"As long as your teacher gives the OK, you can use the chat feature in your platform to ask questions", is a description for "Set a goal for yourself"
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 5

Prepare for class means to:
  • Set a goal for yourself
  • Practice active listening
  • Have your materials at the ready when your virtual class or lecture begins
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