Pregunta 1
In the Continuous Wave radar transmission method, which of the following target information is/are provided by the Doppler effect?
Speed of the target
Relative bearing of the target
Range if the frequency is modulated FMCW.
Permits to discriminate clutter/moving targets
Pregunta 2
A radar set with a PRF of 1,000 pulses per second and an antenna rotation rate of 15 rpm produces what maximum number of pulses per degree?
Pregunta 3
For a Pulsed radar, the maximum unambiguous range depends on:
The pulse repetition frequency
The Doppler shift of the received signal
Pulse repetition period
The transmitted peak power
Pregunta 4
What is the main advantage of HPRF radar:
The ability to detect nose and tail radar targets, also in side lobes clutter.
The ability to detect and track ground targets
The ability to detect high speed targets
Pregunta 5
Frequency-modulated radars transmit a wave that continuously changes in frequency about a center frequency. Using frequency modulation, the range to a target is determined by using which of the following methods?
By comparing the velocity of the received energy with the velocity of the transmitted energy.
By measuring the Doppler shift that occurs in the returning signal.
by comparing the magnitude of transmitted pulses with the magnitude of returned pulses
Pregunta 6
Airborne Radars require accurate aircraft navigation data for:
Generating the highly accurate clock signals used to generate radio frequency signals
Compensating noise in tracking due to own aircraft movements
Stabilizing the antenna rotation with respect to inertial reference (horizon)
antenna inertial stabilization (horizontal) / Automatic tilt control
Compensation of echoes (receiver): reduece noise in tracking
SAR calculations: very precise /accureate/low latency data
Display Ground / north stabilization
Pregunta 7
Select which of the following statements is correct
The best radar antenna configuration for covering 360 degrees around the aircraft is nose- mounted
The waveguides are mainly used for conducting high power pulses from the transmitter to the antenna
Radars typically use 28 VDC power
Pregunta 8
Which of the following radar components allows the use of one antenna for both transmitting and receiving radar energy?
Pregunta 9
In a radar without monopulse channels, decreasing the waveguide run between the circulator and the antenna:
Increases the antenna Gain.
Makes necessary increasing the waveguide run between circulator and receiver, to compensate
Reduces only the losses of the received echo
Reduces the losses in both the Transmitted RF and the Received Echo
Reduces the losses in the Transmitted RF
Allows a better detection range
Allows for the same detection range a smaller antenna
Pregunta 10
ISAR is a radar mode used mainly:
In fighters, to discriminate very near targets
To detect very big ships when sea state is very low.
Ships / Surface targets classification
To detect small targets at High Sea States
Uses ships movement to obtain shape
only one dimension
Pregunta 11
Which of the following flight conditions are optimal for SAR image generation?
Straight and level flight, high constant speed, direct to the target
Orbit (circular) flight path centered in the target, maximum roll of 5º
Straight and level flight, high constant speed, perpendicular to the target.
Pregunta 12
In AESA architecture Radars, which of the following statements are true?
The integration is much easier than in classic architecture radars.
The TRM matrix is very demanding in terms of cooling
There is no transmitter, but there is one receiver
Pregunta 13
Select the correct answer(s): the waveguide runs ...
should be always pressurized, using dedicated compressors
must have a minimum pressure differential with respect to cabin air
should be designed minimizing the number of joints, bends, and turns, to reduce insertion
Admit structural stress, so they can be used to support other structures in the airframe
Pregunta 14
The figures below represent the following situation:
The intruder aircraft represents a threat for our aircraft, it is 1100 feet below us, ascending at less than 500 feet/minute, and our aircraft is performing the correct manoeuvre
The intruder aircraft represents a threat for our aircraft, it is 1100 feet below us, ascending at 1100 feet/minute (any speed greater than 500 feet/minute would be right), and our aircraft is not performing the correct maneuver. (The current vertical speed line is in the red zone).
Pregunta 15
This figure represents:
A transponder Mode C reply from an aircraft that is flying at 3451 feet.
A transponder Mode 3/A reply from an aircraft with a code that is 2211.
Mode A: 3451 with Ident (or SPI) pulse active
Mode S response
Mode C response with altitude XXX
Mode 3 response
Pregunta 16
Which of the following systems need the support of a Transponder
Air to Air Refueling Support System (AARSS)
Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B).
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS)
Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS/ACAS).
Enhanced Traffic Collision Avoidance System (ETCAS)
Pregunta 17
What is the most important concept in the theory of operation of the TCAS:
Time to-go to the threat.
Distance to-go to the threat.
Time to-go to the CPA (Closest Point to Approach)
Distance to-go to the CPA (Closest Point to Approach)
Pregunta 18
If aircraft A has as mode S address AAAAAA and aircraft B has as mode S address BBBBBB. What will happen if the TCAS of each aircraft initially decide at the same time that the correct maneouvre is to climb?
Both TCAS will continue to request the crew to climb but at different rates than initially.
TCAS of aircraft B will request the crew to continue with the climb and TCAS of aircraft A will
change to request the crew to descend.
Both TCAS will request the crew to descend.
The aircraft B (higher Mode S address) reverse the sense of its maneuver (Descends).
Pregunta 19
Which of these are correct codes:
Mode 3/A: 03
Mode S: 12345A
Modo C: 4 dígitos SIN D1
Modo S: 6 dígitos en HEX
Modo 1: 2 dígitos (0-7)(0-3)
Modo 2: 4 dígitos (0-7)(0-7)(0-7)(0-7)
Modo 3/A: 4 dígitos (0-7)(0-7)(0-7)(0-7)
Modo 4: 3 pulsos
Modo 5: como modo S pero crypto
Pregunta 20
The TAWS mode 7 provides
Protection against descent below minimum height.
Landing gear up advisory
Windshear Detection and Alerting
Protection against altitude loss after take off
Pregunta 21
Enhanced GPWS modes are based on:
The use of aircraft inertial navigation system.
The use of aircraft roll attitude signal.
The use current aircraft position and altitude referenced to a terrain elevation database to predict flight path conflicts with terrain elevation and provide graphic display of the conflicting terrain.
Pregunta 22
The TAWS computer interfaces with:
Landing gear interlock switch to obtain landing gear up-down status.
Fuel system to compute aircraft weight in order to evaluate aircraft climb performance.
Radio altimeter
Air Data Computer (Altitude, Airspeed, Verditcal Speed, Temperature).
Aircraft Sensors (Angle of Attack, Flap position, Landing gear position). TRUE
Pregunta 23
A Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accident is:
An accident or incident in which the airplane becomes out of flight crew's control with the result of a crash into ground.
An accident or incident in which the airplane, under the flight crew's control, is intentionally subject to an emergency landing.
An accident or incident in which the airplane, under the flight crew's control, is inadvertently flown into terrain, obstacles, or water without either sufficient or timely flight crew awareness to prevent the event.
Pregunta 24
What is the meaning of the basic GPWS alert “TOO LOW, GEAR”:
The aircraft height over terrain is too low to extend the landing gear.
The landing gear cannot be extended, therefore the flight crew need to perform an emergency landing.
For alerting the pilot that the landing gear is not armed when flying with the landing gear unarmed either below 500ft or slower than 159 knots.
Pregunta 25
Radio Altitude is used to:
Provide height over terrain display in final approach and low level flights (search and rescue, covert operation, etc).
Correct the baro-altitude errors at low altitude
Provide height over terrain to other aircraft systems
Replace baro-altitude at low altitude
Pregunta 26
Radio Altimeter transceiver is installed:
As near as possible from displays output data corruption.
As near as possible from RALT antennas to minimize RF signal losses.
At fix distance from RALT antennas
Always in the main landing gear bay
Pregunta 27
Radio Altimeter provides data to:
TAWS to provide altitude over terrain for GPWS modes.
Audio Management System to provide altitude call-outs to the flight crew.
Hydraulic data to inhibit landing gear down command.
Displays System to provide radio-altitude data to flight crew
Pregunta 28
What is the effect of the Radio Altimeter failure?:
Is always catastrophic as the safety of the landing relies on the Radio Altimeter indication.
May be up to catastrophic on Category 3 precision approaches.
Depends on the category (minimum decision height) of the approach.
The Radio Altitude is only informative and has not safety effect.
The severity of RA failures depend of the precision approaches category.RA is the source of the decision height.
Pregunta 29
Choose in which type of object the contribution to RCS due to creeping wave is more important:
Pregunta 30
Consider a perfect electric conductor (PEC) plane of dimensions 10x10meters at 10GHz. Mark as true or false the following statements:
Its RCS is approximately the same than the RCS of a PEC plane of dimensions 20x20 meters at 5 GHz.
Its RCS is approximately half of the RCS of a PEC plane of dimensions 20x20 meters at 5 GHz.
ts RCS is approximately double of the RCS of a PEC plane of dimensions 20x20 meters at 5 GHz.
Its RCS is approximately four times lower the RCS of a PEC plane of dimensions 20x20 meters at 5 GHz.
Pregunta 31
Consider a perfect electric conductor (PEC) circular cylinder of radius equal to 1 meter and 10 meters long at 10GHz. Mark as true or false the following statements:
Its RCS is approximately double of the RCS of a PEC cylinder of radius equal to 2 meters and 10 meters long at 5GHz.
Its RCS is the same than the RCS of a PEC cylinder of radius equal to 2 meters and 10 meters long at 5 GHz.
Pregunta 32
Consider a sphere of radius equal to 1 meter at 10GHz. Mark as true or false the following statements:
Its RCS is approximately the same than the RCS of a PEC sphere of radius equal to 2 meters at 5GHz.
Its RCS is approximately half of the RCS of a PEC sphere of radius equal to 2 meters at 5GHz.
Its RCS is approximately a quarter of the RCS of a PEC sphere of radius equal to 2 meters at 5GHz.
Pregunta 33
Mark as true or false the following statements relative to the frequency dependence of RCS due to specular scattering (reflection) of several canonical scatterers (assuming optics regime):
Trihedral --> f3
Dihedral -->f3
Plate --> f2
sphere --> f
Straight edge --> f
Curved edge --> f-1
Corner --> f-2
Circular cylinder --> f2
Pregunta 34
Which of these requirements would you place on IFF and/or TCAS antenna installations?
Place the equipment as far as possible from the antenna to have appropriate losses and avoid excessive reflections
Ensure that VSWR is around 1.5:1
Have a correct antenna bonding (around 2.5 mOhms)
Place the equipment as close as possible from the antenna to have appropriate losses and avoid excessive reflections.
Pregunta 35
If you have systems such as an IFF or a TCAS installed on an aircraft together with other systems that work in the L-Band frequencies (e.g. DME, TACAN, etc...), what important measure would you take to ensure radio-frequency compatibility?
Have a homogeneous human machine interface to ensure the use is compatible.
It is not possible to install all these systems on the same aircraft, there will be too much interference among them.
A blanking system enables/disables RF transmission/reception ensuring sufficient RF interoperability of transmitters and receivers
Pregunta 36
What is the correct answer to be filled out in each cell of the following table?
B: TA and Vertical RA
C: TA and Vertical RA D: TA and Vertical Coordinated RA
A: TA and Vertical RA
B: TA and Vertical RA
C: TA D: TA and Vertical Coordinated RA
B: TA and Vertical RA
C: TA and Vertical Coordinated RA D: TA and Vertical RA
Pregunta 37
Under what circumstances will a civil transponder reply to a Mode 2 interrogation?
Pregunta 38
What IFF or Transponder Modes are “Squitters” related to?
Pregunta 39
The pulsed primary radar, when using a noncoherent source like a magnetron:
allows the measurement of the Doppler frequency.
has a range resolution not depending on the signal bandwidth.
has a range resolution depending on the pulse duration.
Pregunta 40
Long range surveillance radar works with:
Relatively high frequencies and they have a high angular resolution
Relatively low frequencies and they have a high angular resolution.
Relatively high frequencies and they have a low angular resolution
Relatively low frequencies and they have a low angular resolution
Pregunta 41
Indicate which is the correct definition of dBsm: