Virtual Teacher Training Module 9 Lesson 1


Odysseyware Virtual Teacher Training Module 9 Lesson 1
Jessica Powell
Test por Jessica Powell, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jessica Powell
Creado por Jessica Powell hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

When are teachers expected to log into Cisco Jabber? (Select all that apply.)
  • Teachers should be logged into Cisco Jabber 24/7.
  • Teachers should be logged into Cisco Jabber during their office hours.
  • Teachers should log into Cisco Jabber on all business days to check voice messages and return phone calls.
  • Teachers should log into Cisco Jabber for the entire weekend.

Pregunta 2

How do you call students from Cisco Jabber?
  • To contact students, teachers should dial “8” and then dial the 10-digit student number from Cisco Jabber to call out.
  • To contact students, teachers should dial the 10-digit student number from Cisco Jabber to call out.
  • To contact students, teachers should dial “18” and then dial the 10-digit student number from Cisco Jabber to call out.
  • To contact students, teachers should dial “81” and then dial the 10-digit student number from Cisco Jabber to call out.

Pregunta 3

What resources should teachers use to set-up their voicemail?
  • To set-up the voicemail teachers should use the Feedback resource, go to the teacher library, and access the links of how to setup the voicemail.
  • To set-up the voicemail, teachers should use the SharePoint resources in the New Hire Training course entitled Phone script for office phones.
  • To set-up the voicemail, teachers should call tech. support and have them set it up.
  • To set-up the voicemail, teachers should say whatever seems right.
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