Of Mice and Men - Lennie


(Of Mice and Men) English Literature Test sobre Of Mice and Men - Lennie, creado por lmg719 el 28/04/2013.
Test por lmg719, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lmg719 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Who is Lennie?
  • A migrant worker, that travels alone from ranch to ranch.
  • An Itinerant farm worker like George, he is described as having a child's mind in an adults body.
  • A small aggressive man with a grudge against the world and a reputation as a fighter.
  • He is the 'stable buck' for the ranch, the man who provides the support for the many horses and mules the farm uses.

Pregunta 2

What animal does Lennie hide from George at the beggining of the novel?
  • A Dead Rabbit
  • A Dead Squirrel
  • A dead Mouse
  • A dead puppy

Pregunta 3

What story does Lennie always want George to tell?
  • The story about how Aunt Clara once used to make cakes for George and Lennie
  • The story about how George and Lennie will one day rule America
  • The story about how they made their escape from weed.
  • The story of the small farm in which he means to buy.

Pregunta 4

What does Slim give Lennie
  • 4 ferret scalps, for him to pet so that he doesnt kill any real animals
  • $300 USD for the small farm they may one day own
  • A puppy
  • A horseshoe

Pregunta 5

Who decides to fight Lennie in the bunkhouse
  • Crooks
  • Curley
  • Carlson
  • The Boss

Pregunta 6

Lennie's appearance is quotes as being..
  • 'A huge man, Shapeless of face... and he walked.. the way a bear drags his paws. His arms... hung loosely
  • 'A tall, stoop shouldered old man'
  • 'A small Aggressive young man'
  • 'Small and Quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features'.

Pregunta 7

Which of the following does not describe Lennie?
  • Talkative
  • forgetful
  • innocent
  • slow-whitted
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