the legacy of the first world war


Test sobre the legacy of the first world war, creado por Aaishah Din el 20/11/2016.
Aaishah  Din
Test por Aaishah Din, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aaishah  Din
Creado por Aaishah Din hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

WEIMAR AND NAZI GERMANY The first world war was from...
  • 1919-1930
  • 1915-1919
  • 1914-1918
  • none of the above.

Pregunta 2

Most of the war and fighting took place in [blank_start]Europe[blank_end]. the triple entente consisted of the [blank_start]USA[blank_end], [blank_start]France[blank_end], [blank_start]Russia[blank_end] and [blank_start]Britain[blank_end]. The triple alliance consisted of [blank_start]Italy[blank_end], [blank_start]Germany[blank_end], [blank_start]Austria[blank_end], [blank_start]Hungary[blank_end]. The was was [blank_start]triggered[blank_end] by the shooting of the archduke Franz Ferdinand of [blank_start]Austria[blank_end]. WW1 had a huge impact and caused much devastation on [blank_start]Europe[blank_end]. it was named the "War To [blank_start]End[blank_end] All Wars."
  • Europe
  • USA
  • France
  • Russia
  • Britain
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • triggered
  • Austria
  • End
  • Europe

Pregunta 3

[blank_start]10[blank_end] million died. [blank_start]65[blank_end] million took part. [blank_start]20[blank_end] million were wounded. countries were poor and each wanted revenge on whom they thought was responsible.
  • 10
  • 23
  • 8
  • 65
  • 10
  • 75
  • 20
  • 25
  • 15

Pregunta 4

There were many, many effects that the war had on Germany, but here are just six. Fill in the blanks. Germany was virtually [blank_start]bankrupt[blank_end] - economic. Stresses of war led to a revolution and became the democratic republic - the [blank_start]Weimar Republic[blank_end] - [blank_start]Political[blank_end] During the war, women were called into work in factories. Many saw this as damaging to [blank_start]traditional[blank_end] family values and [blank_start]society[blank_end] - [blank_start]social[blank_end]. German people felt stabbed in the back by socials who signed the [blank_start]armistice[blank_end] - [blank_start]political[blank_end]. industrial produce was [blank_start]two thirds[blank_end] of what it had been - [blank_start]economic[blank_end] there were huge gaps between the living standards of the [blank_start]rich[blank_end] and [blank_start]poor[blank_end] - Economic and [blank_start]Social.[blank_end]
  • bankrupt
  • Weimar Republic
  • political
  • traditional
  • society
  • social
  • armistice
  • political
  • two thirds
  • economic
  • rich
  • poor
  • Social

Pregunta 5

The Weimar republic had many key features. The [blank_start]Reichstag[blank_end] made the laws and appointed the [blank_start]government[blank_end], who had to do what the Reichstag wanted. The [blank_start]bill of rights[blank_end] gave every German the freedom of Speech and religion, and [blank_start]equality[blank_end] under the law. All men and women had the right to vote if over the age of 20 by [blank_start]proportional representation.[blank_end] [blank_start]Checks[blank_end] and balances made sure that no one had too much [blank_start]power[blank_end].
  • Reichstag
  • government
  • bill of rights
  • equality
  • proportional representation.
  • Checks
  • power

Pregunta 6

who was the first president of the weimar republic?
  • Friedrich Ebert
  • Kaiser Wilhelm
  • Gustav Stresemann

Pregunta 7

[blank_start]Ebert[blank_end] went to many lengths to set up the Republic: Ebert arranged for [blank_start]civil servants[blank_end] who helped run Germany under kaiser to stay in the office. Ebert reassured [blank_start]General Groener[blank_end] that the army would not be reformed, officers kept their ranks. In return, the General agreed to use the German army to keep the Republic in power. Ebert reassured the leaders of [blank_start]industry[blank_end] such as Hugo Stinnes that there would not be any confiscation of [blank_start]land[blank_end], [blank_start]factories[blank_end] and that there would be no [blank_start]nationalism[blank_end] of private industries. Ebert then won the support of the [blank_start]trade unions[blank_end]. He promised their leader, Carl Legien, that the working day would be reduced to [blank_start]eight[blank_end] hours.
  • Ebert
  • civil servants
  • General Groener
  • industry
  • land
  • factories
  • nationalism
  • trade unions
  • eight

Pregunta 8

When did Kaiser get abdicated? Did he agree?
  • Kaiser got abdicated in 1917, in the town of Spa. His ministers advised him to and although reluctant, agreed the first time.
  • Kaiser got abdicated in 1918. His ministers advised him to abdicated and he refused the first time
  • kaiser got abdicated in 1915, agreeing that he should abdicate for the sake of Germany.

Pregunta 9

abdication is when a leader temporarily gives up his/her job in order to restore order, etc.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 10

although there were some strengths, there were also many weaknesses. For example; [blank_start]coalition government[blank_end], which led to the lack of clear, strong [blank_start]policies[blank_end]. [blank_start]weakness in crisis[blank_end] - the lack of strong, single party governments was a problem when firm, clear orders were needed in crisis. This also made the constitution seem [blank_start]weak[blank_end]. the weimar republic was based on [blank_start]division[blank_end] and [blank_start]violence[blank_end] - there was no real public [blank_start]enthusiasm[blank_end].
  • coalition government
  • policies
  • weak
  • weakness in crisis
  • division
  • violence
  • enthusiasm

Pregunta 11

The legacy of the first world war - German Debts went from [blank_start]50[blank_end] billion marks to [blank_start]150[blank_end] billion. - [blank_start]eleven[blank_end] million Germans fought, [blank_start]two[blank_end] million died and [blank_start]four[blank_end] million were wounded - [blank_start]750,000[blank_end] Germans died because of the [blank_start]food[blank_end] shortages during the war. - [blank_start]kaiser[blank_end] lost control of the country - there were [blank_start]riots[blank_end], some of the navy refused to follow orders, and protests.
  • 50
  • 150
  • eleven
  • two
  • four
  • 750,000
  • food
  • kaiser
  • riots

Pregunta 12

on [blank_start]November 11[blank_end], Ebert's representative, [blank_start]Matthias[blank_end] Erzberger, signed the armistice. This was the first major decision of the government, and the treaty of Versailles were to become a big [blank_start]burden[blank_end] on the new republic.
  • November 11
  • Matthias
  • burden
  • Fredrick
  • Thomas
  • December 11
  • September 11

Pregunta 13

who said this, and why? "the Hohenzollerns have abdicated. Take care not to allow anything to mar this proud day. Long live the German Republic."
  • Ebert. He wanted to reassure the Germans that now the royal family had abdicated everything would be better.
  • Scheidmann. he was in control of a riot and shouted this quote to calm everyone down and reassure them.
  • kaiser. He had seen people rioting and said this to inform and reassure that he was leaving.

Pregunta 14

REASONS WHY THE REPUBLIC WAS UNPOPULAR. 1) the German people felt stabbed in the back by the politicians who signed the [blank_start]armistice[blank_end]. 2) Germany had [blank_start]no say[blank_end] in the treaty. It seemed unfair to them that they were forced to sign without any [blank_start]negotiation[blank_end] allowed. 3) Germany's military army was highly [blank_start]weakened[blank_end]. She was allowed no submarines, military aircraft, only [blank_start]100.000[blank_end] men, no [blank_start]international colonies[blank_end], and only six small [blank_start]battle[blank_end] ships. This was so She wouldn't start a new war. 4) clause [blank_start]231[blank_end] - the war guilt. 5) it highly damaged the economy because of the [blank_start]reparations.[blank_end]
  • armistice
  • no say
  • negotiation
  • weakened
  • 100000
  • international colonies
  • battle
  • 231
  • reparations

Pregunta 15

CHALLENGES TO THE GOVERNMENT: spartacists the spartacist revolt was a [blank_start]left[blank_end]-wing uprising. They supported the [blank_start]German communist[blank_end] party which was well funded, had [blank_start]400,000[blank_end] members, and had [blank_start]thirty three[blank_end] daily newspapers. The Communists were supported by the [blank_start]Spartacist league.[blank_end] on 4 January 1919 [blank_start]Ebert[blank_end] sacked Emil Eichhorn who was a popular [blank_start]police[blank_end] chief. the workers revolted and the spartacists saw this as an opportunity to [blank_start]undermine[blank_end] the government. they called for an uprising, and on [blank_start]6 January[blank_end], over 100,000 workers took the streets and they seized the governments [blank_start]newspaper[blank_end] and [blank_start]telegraph[blank_end] offices. The weimar government was losing control of the [blank_start]capital[blank_end].
  • left
  • German communist
  • 400,000
  • thirty three
  • Spartacist league
  • Ebert
  • police
  • undermine
  • 6 January
  • newspaper
  • telegraph
  • capital

Pregunta 16

the spartacists wanted to help the lives of working people. Rosa Luxemburg and Lieb knecht wanted a full scale revolution, and failed.
  • True
  • False
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