They were a lot of indirect fighting in smaller scale wars but the name was mainly because people tended to spy instead
It was fought in winter
The name is ironic; it was fought in summer
Pregunta 2
After the fall of Hitler, Germany was split into four occupation zones: British, American, French and Soviet Union. After a short while, the British, French and American zones merged into West Germany. Why?
Britain, America and France didn't trust the Soviets
Stalin wanted an indiviual Country control by himself
Britain, America and France needed help from each other but thought Stalin would be fine on his own
They wanted to unify Germany but Stalin wasn't having it
Pregunta 3
How did the Cold War start?
America and the USSR were biased about their own politics and both tried to force the other to use their style
The USSR didn't like how Britain, France and America were treating Immigrants
The USSR didn't like how Britain, France and America were treating the Germans on their side of Germany
Pregunta 4
Why was it so important that the Cuban Missile Crisis failed?
Both sides had nukes that could wipe us all out
Both sides had atomic bombs that could wipe them out
Germany would have crumbled
Stalin would have won the Cold War
Pregunta 5
Why was David Hasselhoff in Berlin for the fall of the Berlin Wall?