The Princeton Review Chapter 5 Kinematics


AP Physics C Test sobre The Princeton Review Chapter 5 Kinematics, creado por Anibal Santamaria el 20/07/2017.
Anibal Santamaria
Test por Anibal Santamaria, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Anibal Santamaria
Creado por Anibal Santamaria hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

An object that's moving with constant speed travels once around a circular path. Which of the following is/are true concerning this motion? I. The displacement is zero. II. The average speed is zero. III. The acceleration is zero.
  • I only
  • I and II only
  • I and III only
  • III only
  • II and III only

Pregunta 2

At time t = t_1, an object's velocity is given by the vector v_1 shown below. A short time later, at t = t_2, the object's velocity is the vector v_2. If the magnitudes of v_2 and v_1 are equal, which of the following vectors best illustrates the object's average acceleration between t = t_1 and t = t_2?

Pregunta 3

A rock is thrown off a 30 m cliff at a 45° angle above the horizontal. When the rock is 15 m above the ground, what is its acceleration?
  • 0
  • 1/2 g, downward
  • g, downward
  • 1/2 g, upward
  • g, upward

Pregunta 4

A baseball is thrown straight upward. What is the ball's acceleration at its highest point?
  • 0
  • 1/2 g, downward
  • g, downward
  • 1/2 g, upward
  • g, upward

Pregunta 5

How long would it take a car, starting from rest and accelerating uniformly in a straight line at 5 m/s^2, to cover a distance of 200 m?
  • 9.0 s
  • 10.5 s
  • 12.0 s
  • 15.5 s
  • 20.0 s

Pregunta 6

A rock is dropped off a cliff and strikes the ground with an impact speed of 30 m/s. How high was the cliff?
  • 15 m
  • 20 m
  • 30 m
  • 45 m
  • 60 m

Pregunta 7

A stone is thrown horizontally with an initial speed of 10 m/s from a bridge. If air resistance could be ignored, how long would it take the stone to strike the water 80 m below the bridge?
  • 1 s
  • 2 s
  • 4 s
  • 6 s
  • 8 s

Pregunta 8

A soccer ball, at rest on the ground, is kicked with an initial velocity of 10 m/s at a launch angle of 30°. Calculate its total flight time, assuming that air resistance is negligible.
  • 0.5 s
  • 1 s
  • 1.7 s
  • 2 s
  • 4 s

Pregunta 9

A stone is thrown horizontally with an initial speed of 30 m/s from a bridge. Find the stone's total speed when it enters the water 4 seconds later. (Ignore air resistance.)
  • 30 m/s
  • 40 m/s
  • 50 m/s
  • 60 m/s
  • 70 m/s

Pregunta 10

Which one of the following statements is true concerning the motion of an ideal projectile launched at an angle of 45° to the horizontal?
  • The acceleration vector points opposite to the velocity vector on the way up and in the same direction as the velocity vector on the way down.
  • The speed at the top of the trajectory is zero.
  • The object's total speed remains constant during the entire flight.
  • The horizontal speed decreases on the way up and increases on the way down.
  • The vertical speed decreases on the way up and increases on the way down.

Pregunta 11

The position of an object moving in a straight line is given by the equation x = (3t^3+7t+5) m, where t is in seconds. What is the object's acceleration at time t = 5 seconds?
  • 415 m/s^2
  • 232 m/s^2
  • 115 m/s^2
  • 90 m/s^2
  • 35 m/s^2

Pregunta 12

The velocity of an object moving in a straight line is graphed above. If x = 3.0 m at t = 0 s, what is the position of the particle at t = 3.0 s?
  • 6 m
  • 10 m
  • 8 m
  • 11 m
  • -5 m
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