Simple present, First group
The first verb group are the verbs finishing with 'er' (infinitif, the form you'd find in the dictionary).
To conjugate them, take the "er" out (off?) and replace it with the conjugated ending:
1- Je chante
2- Tu chantes
3- Il/elle/on chante
4- nous chantons
5- vous chantez
6- ils/elles chantent
Note: 1,2,3 and 6 are pronounced the same way, or actually not pronounced as they are silent "e", "es" and "ent".
The only irregular verb finishing with 'er' and got sent to the 3rd verb group as a result, is the important verb 'aller' to go.
Je vais
tu vas
Elle, il, on va
nous allons,
vous allez,
Ils vont
As in english we also use aller for "close future" situation:
-je vais acheter cette peinture ( I'm going to buy this painting )
-Je vais preparer le petit déjeuner (I'm going to organise breakfast).
Note that the second verb is at the infinitive form ( 'er', first group verb) because in French when 2 verbs are following each others, the second is in (at?) the infinitive form.
Speaking of breakfast:
Qu'est-ce que tu veux pour le petit-déjeuner? : what would you like for breakfast (textually: what do you want for breakfast).
J'aimerais des croissants pour le petit-déjeuner, merci! I would like croissant for my breakfast, thank you
Meal of the day:
Petit-déjeuner : breakfast (not used as a verb, we use the verbe "prendre" take, je prends mon petit dejeuner à 8h, I have my breakfast at 8am.
déjeuner : lunch (can be use d as a verb too : tu déjeunes oú ? where are you having lunch?)
goûter : afternoon break (tea, brioche, toast and jams, only during the week-end when staying in your family, really...)
Dîner : dinner (can be used as a verb too: On dine avec Karen et Seb ce soir: we're having dinner with Karen and Seb tonight)
Aperitif (important!) drinks and nibbles before dinner
Digestif: strong alcohol after dinner with the fallacious excuse that it will help digest...
In the sentence On dine avec Karen et Seb ce soir, 'on' means 'nous'.
Below a video that explains the different uses of "on":
We've had a quick look at the question
Où :where?
Quand? When?
Comment? How?
We'll see how to use them on Saturday. We will also speak about the possessive pronoun : mon (my, masc), ma (my, fem.) mes (my, plural) etc.