Neuromuscular 2 Público

Neuromuscular 2

Justin  Lao
Curso por Justin Lao, actualizado hace más de 1 año Colaboradores


Based on PTA exam book

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Ascending tracts  Relay station for primary feed back (sensory) Main afferent tracts   Fasciculus gracilis/cuneatus (Anterior/posterior) Sensory  For trunk, neck, UE propioception, vibration, two-point discrimination, and graphesthesia  Spinocerebellar tract (dorsal/ventral) Sensory  Ipsilateral subconscious, proprioception, tension of muscles, joint sense, and posture.  Spinothalamic tract (anterior)  Sensory  Light touch  Spinothalamic (lateral) Sensory  Pain and temperature  Descending tracts  Involved with voluntary motor function, muscle tone, relfexes, and equilibrium (motor) Main efferent tracts  Pyrmidal motor types Corticospinal tract (anterior)  Motor  Ipsilateral skilled movements  Corticospinal tract (lateral)  Motor  Contralateral fine movements  Damage to this may cause positive Babinski sign, loss of fine movement, and voluntary movement.  Extrapyramidal motor types  Reticulospinal tract  Motor  Facilitation/inhibition of voluntary and reflex activity  Rubrospinal tract  Motor Gross posture tone Facilitating flexor muscles  Inhibiting extensor muscles  Tectospinal tract  Motor  Contralateral postural muscle tone  Vestibulospinal tract  Motor Ispsilateral posture adjustments  Damage to this may cause in paralysis, hypertonicity, exaggerated deep tendon reflex. 
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