Food and Nutrition GCSE Intro Course Público

Food and Nutrition GCSE Intro Course

Adi  Woolner
Curso por Adi Woolner, actualizado hace más de 1 año Colaboradores


If you're studying food and nutrition for the GCSEs, then this short course should help you revise and remember some important food facts! If we take care of our food, our food will take care of us.

Información de los módulos


Nutrients are the ingredients that your body needs to maintain function. Nutrition is the study of how the body uses nutrients and what happens when the supply is not there. Energy, concentration and mood are among the first factors to alter without food.


There are three primary food types that we consume. These are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In general, humans only consume other organic material. There are exceptions such as the mineral, salt, which we all need to live.

Conjunto de Diapositivas

Contains structure and function and extra info about these 3 food groups.
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How organisms obtain their food is what we call nutrition. Nutrients are used as a source of energy, but also as a catalyst for other metabolic reactions. Some nutrients are also used to grow and repair the body.


A healthy diet is also a balanced diet. We need all sorts of nutrients to keep the body in check. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates, we have mentioned but we also need fibre, vitamins and minerals. A lack is called malnutrition.


With too much or too little of certain nutrients, we are putting our bodies at risk. This mindmap demonstrates some of the dangers involved to various areas of the body. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, for example.

Mapa Mental

Biological Molecules, The Circulatory System and Lifestyle and Disease
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These flashcards contain a number of key phrases and terms that we will be using while studying food and food technology. Aseptic packaging, blast chilling and caramelisation are a few examples of the language of food.

Conjunto de Fichas

Key words for GCSE food tech exam. From aqa website:
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This mindmap illustrates the four principal branches of food production. These are intensive farming, free-range farming, sustainable food production and mycoprotein production. If it's on your plate, it came from one of these.


Open the cupboards or the fridge in your house. The items within look very different than the raw ingredients which they came from. This is what we call food processing. There are advantages and disadvantages to food processing.


This mindmap shows a wide range of cuisine and dish-types from all over the globe. Geographies that are close together often use the same ingredients as they grow in the same climate. The same ingredients can be used in many different ways.


Cooking your food changes it in a number of ways. It alters the taste. It changes the texture. It kills harmful bacteria. It alters the date where it must be consumed. This mindmap shows the many methods we use to cook food.


Enzymes exist in foods and they perform important functions, like ripening our fruit. However, if left too long enzymes will over-ripen our food, making it go bad. Oxygen too. There are many methods of preserving food. Here are a few.


In many forms of food production, bacteria are a healthy and important part of the processes used. However, 'bad' bacteria can cause food spoilage and sickness. Food safety teaches us which foods to be extra careful with.
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