Communicative Skills - Education and Medicine


Diagrama sobre Communicative Skills - Education and Medicine, creado por Fran Fran el 05/11/2022.
Fran Fran
Diagrama por Fran Fran, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fran Fran
Creado por Fran Fran hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nodos de los diagramas

  • Statement of Inquiry
  • Key concept & Meaning
  • Related concept & Meaning
  • Global context & Meaning
  • Improving our connections helps us take into consideration different points of view to have a better grip on adaptation, ingenuity and progress in order to develop a common purpose.
  • Connections
  • Purpose, point of view
  • Scientific and technical innovation: Adaptation, ingenuity and progress
  • Unit 2 - Education and Medicine
  • Criterion B. Reading: i. identify explicit and implicit information (facts and/or opinions, supporting details) in a wide variety of complex authentic texts.
  • Criterion D. Writing: iv. communicate all or almost all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.
  • What is connection? "The state of beinng related to someone or something else". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d)
  • What is purpose? "A goal or reason for doing something". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d).
  • What is point of view? "An opinion, or a way of considering something". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d).
  • What is adaptation? "The process of changing to suit different conditions". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d).
  • What is ingenuity? "Someone's ability to think of clever new ways of doing something". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d).
  • What is progress? "Movement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position". (Cambridge Dictionary, n/d).
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