1. Laravel Installation and Composer


(Laravel) Laravel 5.4 From Scratch Diapositivas sobre 1. Laravel Installation and Composer, creado por mohammed al-obadi el 01/10/2017.
mohammed al-obadi
Diapositivas por mohammed al-obadi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
mohammed al-obadi
Creado por mohammed al-obadi hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    1. Laravel Installation and Composer
    To create a laravel project, there are two ways: A:composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog composer create-project laravel/laravel blog --prefer-dist B: (faster and prefered) Step 1: Download Laravel installer via the composer - this step required once. Open the CMD and issue:`composer global require "laravel/installer"` Step 2: See the video for details.

Diapositiva 2

    After you open a Laravel project via the CMD; You can issue this command to see all the availabel commands of artisan:    `php artisan` For example: Display this application version: `php artisan -V` From video: 6 Working With the Query Builder If you want to learn more about any command of artisan, you can use:    `php artisan help [command name]`    `php artisan help [command name]`     `php artisan help make:migration`  
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