Lektion 1A: Strukturen Show


Undergraduate: College Freshman Intermediate German 1 201 Diapositivas sobre Lektion 1A: Strukturen Show, creado por Taylor Donato el 08/10/2017.
Taylor Donato
Diapositivas por Taylor Donato, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Taylor Donato
Creado por Taylor Donato hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    In German dictionaries and vocabulary lists, singular nouns are listed along with a notation that indicates how to form the plural. There are five main patterns for forming plural nouns. (see table for examples)

Diapositiva 2

    Plurals: Masculine and Neutral
    Most masculine and neutral nouns form the plural by adding -e or -er. Plurals with the -er ending always add an Umlaut when the vowel in the singular form is an a, o or u.  der Tag (day) ---> die Tage das Buch ---> die Bücher If the singular form of a noun ends in -el, -en or -er, there is no additional plural ending, but an Umlaut is added to the stem vowel a, o or u. der Apfel (apple) ---> die Äpfel das Zimmer (room) ---> die Zimmer

Diapositiva 3

    Plurals: Feminine
    For feminine nouns ending with -in, add -nen to form the plural. die Freundin ---> die Freundinnen die Studentin ---> die Studentinnen For most other feminine nouns, add -n if the singular form ends in -e, -el or -er. Add -en if it does not. Note that feminine plurals with these endings never add an Umlaut. die Blume  (flower)---> die Blumen die Frau ---> die Frauen

Diapositiva 4

    Plurals: Borrowed Words
    The -s ending is added to most words borrowed from other languages and to most nouns ending with vowels other than e. das Sofa ---> die Sofas das Auto ---> die Autos das Baby ---> das Babys
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