Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs


First Certificate of Cambridge Inglés Diapositivas sobre Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, creado por José L. el 13/02/2018.
José L.
Diapositivas por José L., actualizado hace más de 1 año
José L.
Creado por José L. hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Ask about: preguntar por, acerca de Ask for: pedir Ask + ... + to + Participle: Ask to do something Believe in:  Creer en. Blow up: inflar, estallar en enfado (informal), explotar. I broke her iPad and she blew up at me. Break down: vehicle or machine stop working, descomponer (you are unable to control your feelings and you start to cry). Break down a meeting, discussion, agreement , relationship, marriage. Noun: a physical or mental collapse. Call back: you telephone someone who rang you earlier, or you telephone someone for a second time. It is to return to a place to see somebody again. Call off: cancel, suspend a event. To give a command to somebody or something (e.g. a dog) to leave someone alone, or to stop attacking someone. Call round: is to visit someone, usually for a short period of time (British and Australian English). Carry out: implement, execute, do (llevar a cabo, realizar). Check in: show your ticket at an airport. To arrive at a hotel reception desk and tell the hotel staff who you are (=check into). Cheer up: It's to start to feel happier (animarse). To cheer up somebody (or cheer somebody up) is to make them feel happier.  Eat out: It is to eat away from home. I don't feel like cooking tonight so let's eat out. I enjoy eating out with friends and family Fall out: with someone is to become upset or angry with them, and stop being friendly with them (reñir, pelearse). Noun: is an argument or disagreement. If your hair falls out it becomes loose and unattached. Fall over (= fall down): It is to fall to the ground from an upright position (caerse). If you fall over yourself (or fall all over yourself) to do something, you are very keen to do it. Feel like: tener ganas de algo. I feel like a sandwich. Fill in: complete a form Find out: discover Get in: enter (meterse en, ingresar) Get into: enter (meterse en, ingresar) Get out of: leave Get on with: have a good relationship with someone Get up: get out of bed Give back: return something to someone Give up: If you give up something (or give something up) that is bad for you (for example alcohol, smoking, and eating fatty foods) you stop doing it or having it. (rendirse, renunciar, abandonar). Eric gave up smoking two years ago. He gave up work to look after his children. I give up, I don't know the answer. Go on: continue Go with: match (ir con, pegar) Grow up: become older or to become an adult. Something you say to someone who is behaving in a childish or immature way: Oh grow up! I've heard enough of your silly jokes. When children look or behave in a mature way they are grown-up: She looked very grown-up in her new dress. Noun: Adult. Hang around (hang round, hang about) somewhere is to spend time there doing very little. Informal English. (Pasar el rato): I've been hanging round all day waiting for the plumber to arrive. With someone is to spend time with them: She hangs around with Alice and Jenny. hang up  Have get on very well: llevarse muy bién. Hang up: end a telephone call. Hang up your dress Hold up: delay (retrasar) hurry up  Join in: take part in (participar) Leave out: not do something (dejar, olvidar, dejar fuera) live up to  Look after: (cuidar de) Look for: try to find something Look out!: cuidado Look up: (buscar información) look up (somebody)  look up (something)  Looking forward to: to feel happy and excited about something that is going tohappen (tener ganas de)
    make (something) up  meet up  move in  move out  phone up (and ring up)  pick up  put off  Put off: do something later (aplazar, posponer) Put on: (ponerse ropa, engordar, encender) Put through: connect a telephone call (pasar una llamada) queue up  read out  rely on / upon  rub out  run out (of)  Run out of: finish something e.g. petrol save up  sell out  set off  Set off / Set out: begin a journey (partir) settle down  show off  sort out  Stand up: ponerse de pie. I get dizzy if I stand up too quickly. Take away: remove (quitar, apartar) Take off: remove clothes, (quitarse ropa, despegar) take up  tell off  throw away  try on  Turn into: become (convertirse en) Turn down: refuse an invitation / offer turn off  turn up  Turn up: arrive (aparecer, llegar) wait up  wake up  wash up  write down   

Diapositiva 2

    REVIEW: SIMILAR MEANING Blow up: estallar en enfado (informal). Fall out: with someone is to become upset or angry with them, and stop being friendly with them (reñir, pelearse). -------- Break down: Break down a meeting, discussion, agreement , relationship, marriage. Call off: cancel, suspend a event.  --------- Get up (levantarse) / Wake up (despertarse)
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