How People Feel


Diapositivas sobre How People Feel, creado por Ty Pauley el 29/03/2018.
Ty Pauley
Diapositivas por Ty Pauley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ty Pauley
Creado por Ty Pauley hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    -Joy, sadness, contempt, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger. -Emotions are expressed through gestures -Moods last longer then emotions -Attitudes are more cognitive 
    7 Universal Emotions

Diapositiva 2

    -We mirror one another's emotion -If your design has a sad element, it may negatively affect your user's emotion -Keep your users facial expression in mind when designing. If a user has to squint to read it could create a permanent frown the will make the user sad. -Media with someone smiling can positively effect your user
    Emotions and Muscles are connected

Diapositiva 3

    Data is weaker than Anecdotes
    -Information that emotionally effects user is remembered better -Use anecdotes instead of data -Give a message that invokes emotion or empathy

Diapositiva 4

    Smell evokes emotion and memories
    -A smell can remind you of past experiences both good or bad -Companies often use smell to persuade their users to interact a certain way

Diapositiva 5

    People like suprises
    -There are good and bad surprises, but our brains react in a somewhat similar way for both experiences -New things capture the user's attention -New change makes people try new things and return to your clients business

Diapositiva 6

    Busy people are happier
    -People don't like to be at idle -People like to complete tasks that don't seem like busy work -People who are busy are happier -If you make people wait, give them something to do

Diapositiva 7

    Pastoral scenes
    -People desire beauty in their lives -Use pastoral scenes in your design to give user since of nature on the web

Diapositiva 8

    Look and Feel can indicate trust
    -Content us more important than design -Sites owned or ran by well known or respected organizations are trusted easier than others -People make quick trust decisions when visiting a site -The first indicator of trust is the design (color, layout, etc.) -Second and most important indicator of trust is the content of the design

Diapositiva 9

    Music releases Dopamine
    -Music can be pleasurable -Music effects people differently so be sure to know your audience  -Letting your users add music to your design's experience is a good way to engage them and could become addictive for them

Diapositiva 10

    People like Difficult
    -If something is hard to obtain or achieve people feel it has worth -People like groups they have to endure hardships to join -A scarcity of people means you are "one of the few" which tends to be a good feeling for people

Diapositiva 11

    People Overestimate
    -People don't know what the future holds -People remain close to the same happiness level the majority of their life no matter what negative or positive events happen in their lifetime. -People tend to overestimate the way they will feel about events that will happen in their life

Diapositiva 12

    Emotion before and after an event
    -People tend to be more positive before and after an even more so than during the event -When designing draw out the planning (if the user is prompted to plan a trip or vacation) phase because it will excite the user. -User feedback to interaction will be more positive a few days after the interaction 

Diapositiva 13

    Familiarity helps Sadness
    -People are willing to try new things when they are in a happy mood -People like familiarity when sad -Craving for familiarity is directly tied to fear of loss -Brands give people closure -A message of fear or loss may be good for a seasoned brand -A message of fun or happiness is good for a new brand
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