IPA phonemes


Julio Cesar Cachay Perez
Diapositivas por Julio Cesar Cachay Perez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Julio Cesar Cachay Perez
Creado por Julio Cesar Cachay Perez hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

Diapositiva 2

    IPA phoneme /eɪ/
    In English, both in Received Pronunciation and in General American, the IPA phonetic symbol /eɪ/ corresponds to the vowel sound in words like "face", "cake" and "play". This diphthong is informally called “long a” or the long sound of the letter a. A better pronounceable name is the vowel of FACE.

Diapositiva 3

    Common words
    Some common words which practice the pronunciation of /eɪ/ include the following: with "a" with magic e: ache - age - blame - brake - cake - case - date - escape - face - game - gate - lake - late - male - make - name - pale - place - plate - sale - same - sane - snake - stale - state - take - whale Followed by one consonant: behaviorAmE - behaviourBrE - education - information - nature - paper - patient Other: able - ancient - change - range - strange - table

Diapositiva 4

    with "ai": aid - aim - brain - chain - claim - detail - explain - fail - gain - hail - jail - main - paid - rain - raise - remain - snail - stain - straight - train - trait - wait - wave with "ay": always, away, day, delay, essay, display, grayAmE, lay, may, maybe, okay, pay, pray, play, say, stay, today, tray, way with "ei": eight - neighborAmE - neighbourBrE - weigh - weighed - weight with "ey": greyBrE - hey - survey - they with "ea": break - great - steak
    Common words
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