Determine the amount of pleasure and pain brought to the person most directly affected by the action. Bentham has 4 things to measure:
1) The intensity of the pleasure/pain
2) The duration of the pleasure/pain
3) The certainty of the pleasure/pain
4) The remoteness of the pleasure/pain
Step 1
Diapositiva 2
Examine the effects of the pleasure/ pain including:
5) The fecundity* of the pleasure/pain
6) The purity** of the pleasure/pain
*Fecundity means the tendency of the pleasure to produce other pleasures.
**Purity means the tendency of pleasure to only produce pleasure (same for pain)
Step 2
Diapositiva 3
This step only comes when considering the effects on others
7) The extent of the pleasure/pain (no. of people affected by the action)
Step 3
Diapositiva 4
Calculate the total utility by using 1-7 to count up the amount of pleasure and pain brought by an action.
Step 4
Diapositiva 5
If a range of options are available then repeat steps 1-4 for all actions then choose which option produces the most pleasure over pain