Los recursos en las organizaciones comunitarias


Diapositivas sobre Los recursos en las organizaciones comunitarias, creado por Alejandra Montes el 27/09/2018.
Alejandra Montes
Diapositivas por Alejandra Montes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alejandra Montes
Creado por Alejandra Montes hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Grupos focales
    It is part of a special technique within group interviews whose particular seal consists of obtaining information through group interaction, therefore, it is considered a conversation designed / planned to obtain specific information within a permissive environment. 

Diapositiva 2

    Ventajas y desventajas
    It stimulates the generation of ideas and observation through the interaction between individuals. Flexibility to the researcher by not having completely structured the conversation line. Respect the information, as such, provided by the participants.  It is considered a quick and inexpensive method. 
    The group interview can also generate, in a negative way, that the participants feel constrained or dominated by other members.  The lack of structure / control in the conversation can take subjects irrelevant to the investigation and get out of the objectives. The information does not have a statistical representativeness. The analysis of the data becomes more complex.

Diapositiva 3

    Aplicación del grupo focal
    The focus group can be used as a research and evaluation method, or to complement both qualitative and quantitative methods. It can also be used for the design and evaluation of programs and services. 
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Los recursos en las organizaciones comunitarias
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