Our Class Rules


Students! Here are our class rules for reference at any time. You are expected to know these rules and follow them.
Richard  Williamson
Diapositivas por Richard Williamson , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Richard  Williamson
Creado por Richard Williamson hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Our Class Rules #1
     Each student is expected to raise his or her hand when they have something to say to the class or the teacher    When a student is talking, we are to be respectful to that student and not interrupt them while they are talking       If a student is having a problem with their classmate. That student should immediately inform the teacher about the problem so that the problem can be addressed  

Diapositiva 2

    Our Class Morning Routine
     Students are expected to come into the classroom at 8 am every morning. It is at that time, students will walk in and sign their names on the class attendance sheet so that they can be marked present for that day.   Students are expected to start on their morning work for that day. If they get done early, they are to read their AR books  for the remaining amount of time    Every morning after students complete their morning work, we as a class will have morning meeting which is an opportunity for students to share with the class how their feeling that day. Some morning we may play a game that helps our class become stronger as a community. 

Diapositiva 3

    Our Class Hallway Rules
    Students are expected to walk in the hallways quietly and a straight line.   If a student is having a problem, they can raise their hand. Either a hall monitor or the teacher will address the problem.    If a student decides to make a  bad choice, that student will receive a verbal warning. After a verbal warning is given, the student is expected to follow school rules. If that student decides to continue making bad choices. The teacher will address the situation immediately. 
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