Top 10 regular verbs.


Simple present tense of regular verbs.
Teacher Scott
Diapositivas por Teacher Scott, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Teacher Scott
Creado por Teacher Scott hace alrededor de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

Diapositiva 2

    All 10 of these verbs get an -s for the third person (He / She / It) . Example: I                                       want You                                 want He / She / It                   wants   You                                 want They                               want We                                  want  
    Changing the Verb

Diapositiva 3

    Give it a try.
    He ______________ all day.  (work) They _____________ on a mountain.  (live) It _____________ more water to grow.  (need) She _______________ chocolate cherries.  (love) We ________________ many questions before a test.  (ask) I __________________ all the colors when I paint.  (use)  He _______________ to drink apple juice.  (like) You _______________ like that actor on tv.  (look) They ______________ soccer on the weekends.  (play) We _______________ to go to the movies tonight.  (want)  

Diapositiva 4

    He works all day. They live on a mountain. It needs more water to grow. She loves chocolate cherries. We ask many questions before a test. I use all the colors when I paint. He likes to drink apple juice. You look like that actor on tv. They play soccer on the weekends. We want to go to the movies tonight.          
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