Super Science Slide


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Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Science Slide
                                                               Context 1) Food Chain 2) Food Web 3) Producers And Cosumers 4) Primary / Secondary Consumers 5) Ecosystems : Conclusion

Diapositiva 2

    This picture is a very good example of a food chain. A rabbit eats a carrot, then the fox eats the rabbit, finally the lion eats the fox. And maybe a dinosaur eats the lion.
    Food Chain
    Pie de foto: : Picture From SmartClass4Kids.Com

Diapositiva 3

    Oh! What's a food web? A food web is made up from many different food chains. They are all interdependent.  
    Food Web
    Pie de foto: : Picture From SmartClass4Kids.Com

Diapositiva 4

    Producers And Consumers
    What is a producer and what is a consumer? Producers are plants, they produce food by photosynthesis. consumers are animals, they consume food for energy.

Diapositiva 5

    Primary / Secondary Consumers
    Pie de foto: : Picture From SmartClass4Kids.Com
    The organism who consumes producers is called primary consumer. The organism who eats the primary producer is a secondary consumer. In this picture, rabbit will be the primary consumer and the fox will be the secondary consumer.  

Diapositiva 6

    Ecosystems: Conclusion
    So, lets do some bullet points of what we leant: . Food web and food chain .Producers and consumers .Primary and secondary consumers Do some exercise on the right to test yourself.
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