Watch this video and note down the accidents and why they happen.
How could the risks associated with these hazards be reduced? What document could you use?
The Uk has a framework of legislation which covers all the risks which workers run whilst at work in the uk.
Watch the video and note down the legislation.
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Health and Safety Level 1
The most important piece of legislation and, the earliest, is the Health & Safety Act. When was this enacted and what are the key features?
What is Riddor?
Now we will watch some videos about these pieces of legislation.
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Health & Safety Level 1
Now continue with your packs. Complete sections about legislation as far as you can.
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Health & Safety Level 1
Try the health and safety quiz on the computer.
You will not know the answers to all the questions but, do your best, and have a go. You may know more than you think!
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Health and Safety Level 1
Now watch this video which is a training course about office safety.
Has he covered the most important issues?