If love is required, it is no longer free
Giving love can be difficult - requires overcoming laziness, selfishness, lust, etc.
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The Moral Act
True freedom is not doing whatever we want but doing what you ought
Good moral actions make us freer; bad moral actions make us slaves to sin
Every human being is responsible for their actions
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Freedom & Responsibility
The more knowledge someone has, the more responsible they are
There is no such thing as freedom w/o responsibility
The origin of moral evil is the free decision to reject God's moral law
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Focus Questions
Grace does NOT diminish freedom - helps us to see truth/gives us strength to conquer passions
Effects of graces: Enlightened about how to follow Christ, strength to fulfill God's plan
By obeying prompting of grace, we align w/ God's will & grow in inner freedom
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"We must continually seek God's grace, continually respond to the actual graces God is working within us, inclining us to turn to him and do good."
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Reality of it is witnessed in Sacred Scriptures and through human experiences
We have a right and duty to exercise our conscience
A good conscience applies moral truth, but is not an infallible guide - can be ignored or blinded
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How is it formed?
Frequent/honest self evaluation
When it is ignored, we become numb to wrongdoing
Fullness of conscience involves awareness that every Christian is called through Baptism to become a saint
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2 elements of sincere repentance = contrition and amendment
We need to be faithful/true to ourselves (and not do the same sin repeatedly)
Spiritual direction is wise counsel/advice on spiritual matters
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Moral Acts
Involves deliberation and choice
Have moral content
Personal acts - involve intellect and will
Never leave us exactly the same (change us)
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The Prodigal Son
Father represents God; Sons represent people
Shows: God is merciful/ready to forgive; asking for forgiveness can be hard