WhatsApp language analysis


WhatsApp language analysis
Diapositivas por tomw27, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tomw27 hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

Diapositiva 2

    WhatsApp origins
    WhatsApp was founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum. After years of unemployment, Acton purchased an Iphone and realized that the App store had created a brand new market for the pair to explore. The messaging service was primarily released on Android however after great response, in under 18 days it was then released onto IOS (apple products) which developed a wider range of users to attend to. This was the introduction to free messaging for people not only on Imessage as users owning any other phone would be able to contact anyone without a cost.The name "WhatsApp" was created because it is phonetically similar to 'what's up' however as it was an app they cleverly entwined both phrases
    Pie de foto: :

Diapositiva 3

    Chat analysis
    Language is used differently in instant messaging depending upon who the recipient of the message will be. It is dependent, not only on the number of recipients, but also what relation they have to the sender. We would therefore, naturally assume that if the messages are between friends for example that the language used would be of a much lower register than between work colleagues. We have collected some screenshots from a person’s phone to different recipients. Screenshot 1 is to a ‘group chat’ comprised of the sender’s friends whereas screenshot 2 is to the sender’s father

Diapositiva 4

    Comparison Points The language used in screenshot 1 contains lots of short sentences; usually someone making a point followed by another person’s reaction. This pairing effect called ‘adjacency pairs’ can be observed throughout the chat where multiple utterances are often linked.  The style in screenshot two is quite the opposite; large, full sentences with less use of abbreviation, no use of emojis and proper use of punctuation. The use of more saturated sentences (in this case used to describe something) allows the sender to convey their point in greater detail. The language is also of a much lower register in screenshot 1. This can be seen from the use of ‘taboo’ language, swearing, the use of the symbol ‘@‘ instead of the word ‘at’ as well as the use of emojis.  There is the occasional use of emojis in the second chat however they are only used to convey an emotion that would not otherwise be  Another noticeable difference between the two is the frequency at which each utterance is posted. This is arguably because of the number of people in the chat, however it could also be because each person does not want to feel left out of the conversation. As a result, there are many examples of elision throughout the group chat. There is no such problem in screenshot 2 as there is a very relaxed nature to the chat. There are many examples of elision within screenshot 1. This is used to convey a point quicker as, in this case, some feel a pressure to reply quickly.
    Chat Comparative analysis

Diapositiva 5

    One interesting factor that only plays a part in this type of instant messaging platform, is that you are able to see when people are typing. This simple feature can have a quite influencing effect upon the person or people replying. For example, in a group chat scenario, some people naturally feel a pressure to respond quickly. This is because it would be natural to assume that the lack of response might be interpreted as being rude (the equivalent of ignoring someone in a real dialogue) and a quick reply is the only way to avoid this. This hypothesis would be supported if observing Erving Goffman’s ‘Face Theory’. It suggests that people have both positive face needs (feeling valued and appreciated) and negative face needs (feeling independent and not being imposed on). Any remark that may threaten a persons face (such as derogatory marks, exclusion from groups, questioning peoples opinions etc) can be classed as a ‘face threatening act’. Therefore, people try to respond quickly to avoid its absence as being interpreted as a face threatening act. the 'Typing' icon is also significant because if someone has made a comment and you start typing without knowing what you are about to say, it is considered extremely face threatening to stop and so from time to time many replies to certain comments on a WhatsApp chat could be short because of the pressure it gives someone to reply.Another convention of WhatsApp is the understanding of the 'ticks'. One grey tick means the message has been sent and two grey ticks mean it has been delivered. Two blue ticks next to a message mean that it has been read and so when this is shown, the sender expects a reply as soon as possible otherwise it is also considered ignorant and face threatening.

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    Constraints and Affordances
    Screenshot one is discussing a TV programme (however the programme does not interest the sender and so he is not active in the conversation). This could be considered a constraint of the platform as entire conversations can be carried out between the recipients that do not concern or interest the sender. However this particular platform enables you to send multiple videos, images, emojis, voice recordings, as well as text. As a result, WhatsApp can be regarded as a ‘multi-modal’ platform. This means that there are many different ways in which people can express their views, opinions, points etc. Such affordances can be used to convey a particular emotion (especially with the plethora of emojis available) or tone that would not otherwise be possible if just using text. Screenshot 2 is talking about an image which had been sent to the recipient. The fact that you are able to send images to people on the platform and then discuss said image (as oppose to having to verbally describe what you can see) is also a major benefit of the platform. Another affordance of the platform is that it can be used across multiple devices (unlike other similar platforms such as iMessage). There are constraints that come with this however such as the fact that some emojis can’t be viewed on particular devices (see other examples below).

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    Emojis have become an essential part of language within technology. Emojis are consistently used within status updates, tweets but most often, messages. Text messaging, Imessaging and WhatsApp use emojis identically and so the app itself doesn't alter the convention of the use of emojis. Emojis are used to portray the emotion and most of the time are used to reassure the reader the tone of the particular message you are sending. These emojis often contribute as the entirety of a message if the person you are replying to is seeking an instant response, or a particular emotion.The users of WhatsApp who generally use emojis are adolescent or young adults as they have grown around the technological use of language however, despite stereotypes that adults are considered blunt and boring over text, many parents and guardians have developed a feel for the use of emojis and arguably use them a lot more than their child in an attempt to try to relate to them humorously. 

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