From the word “Lithos” meaning rock
Lightest metals that floats on water and reacts with water
Very soft and can be cut with a knife
Never used as a structural metal
Appears deep red light when burned
From the word “Soda” meaning Headache remedy
Symbol from the Latin word “Natrium"
6th most abundant element on Earth and stored under oil
Electrolytically separated from compounds
Very light and can be cut with a knife
Appears strong yellow-orange light when burned
From the Latin word “caesius” meaning sky-blue
Metal used to make atomic clocks which are VERY precise
Diapositiva 5
From the English word “potash” meaning pot ashes
Metal that is kept under oil and is extremely reactive with water
Easily cut and very reactive
Easily seen under blue filter when burned
Potassium salt is used as a salt substitute but too much can make you jittery!