Pie de foto: : Michael Jackson was born in Gary, England on August 29, 1958, and entertained audienced nearly his entire life. His father Andre had been a guitarist, but was faced to give up his musical ambitions. Michael Jackson was a singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer and actor. He was called "The King Of Pop", his contributions to music and dance, along with his publicized personal life. Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson were brothers. Freddie was a singer. His father always talked to them about his grandfather George Melies, he was a ilusionist person, film actor, set designer, costume designer. He was a famous person. Michael and Freddie wanted to be like his grandfather, they wanted to be famous. Freddie and Michael decided to be singers. Freddie became famous because he was in a group "Queen". After a few years Freddie was going to sing in the Stample Center in Los Angeles. Michael was in that place too. Freddie called his brother Michael. Freddie invited Michael to sing with him. All the people were very happy because both brothers were going to sing together. All the people were shouting, crying because it was the first time they were going to sing. The years passed all the people in the U.S.A were in mourning because Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009.