Chapter Synopses of The Handmaid's Tale


A-Level (Year 1) (The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood) (Year 1) English Language and Literature Diapositivas sobre Chapter Synopses of The Handmaid's Tale, creado por Summer Pearce el 08/06/2016.
Summer Pearce
Diapositivas por Summer Pearce, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Summer Pearce
Creado por Summer Pearce hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

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    I) NIGHT

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    Chapter One
    recent past description of the gymnasium themes of sex and oppression introduced introduction of Aunts and Angels introduction of female names

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    Chapter Two
    present description of narrator's bedroom - anti-suicide measures, links to military description of Commander's house description of narrator's clothing first mention of the Commander and his Wife introduction of Rita and Cora, the Marthas first mention of Colonies and Unwomen hints of linkage to shortages and war rationing first mention of Luke first line of dialogue

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    Chapter Three
    present description of the garden further description of the Commander's Wife introduction of Guardians description of narrator's garden (past) account of narrator and Commander's Wife meeting for the first time (recent past) description of who the Commander's Wife once was (past)

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    Chapter Four
    present description of garden and Commander's car introduction to Nick first mention of 'Eyes' description of street introduction to Ofglen first use of 'Handmaid' description of barrier and young Guardians posted there Rita and Cora discussing Guardians shooting (recent past Offred has sexual fantasies about the men she sees first full uses of the titles 'Guardians of Faith' and 'Commanders of the Faithful' first mention of Salvagings, Prayvaganzas and Birthmobiles outlines what colours symbolise description of the nature of the black Eye vans explanation of how Guardiand can be allowed to marry and be allotted a Handmaid description of sexual desire resulting from restraint of regime and censoring of sexually explicit content in society

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    Chapter Five
    present description of 'heart of Gilead' first use of 'Gilead' introduction to Econowives and black widows memory of shoes she wore, customs to keeping women safe (rules) and laundromats (past) description of the dress shop - Lilies of the Field (past and present) description of Milk and Honey (oranges) and the women's behaviour inside the shop introduction to Janine (pregnant woman) AKA Ofwarren and the norms associated with pregnancy in Gilead first mention of the term 'Red Centre' description of All Flesh (butchers) and behaviour towards meat Japanese tourists

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    Chapter Six
    present description of Ofglen and Offred's walk description of church introduction of the Wall learn that capital punishment still goes on and abortion is not tolerated description of bodies hanging on the Wall and attitudes towards these men (snowman with red smile) hint of what a Salvaging is  left with the thought that this regime is supposed to become normal/ordinary

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    Chapter Seven
    present night is the only time she has for herself memories of Moira, in Offred's bedroom, first involvement of her in Offred's life (past) memory of mother, dragging her along to the park, women and some men burning pornographic magazines (past) memory of disorientation of entering the regime (had been drugged, confirmed later that her daughter has been taken away from her and given to someone else, not the daughter she recognises (recent past) introduction to the concept that she is telling a story to an unknown person

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    Chapter Eight
    present description of more bodies on the Wall - priest, cassock on to identify, mention of sect wars, 'gender treachery': homosexuality=wrong memory of Luke (Mayday origins) (past) description of funeral procession, Econowives mourning baby, Econowives dislike Handmaids parts from Ofglen, returns home first time Nick speaks to Offred - "All flesh is weak/grass" description of Serena's career after her singing (past) speeches and conservative views, sparked extremist acts against her, compared to present description of Serena sitting in the garden, and her age memory of Aunt Lydia telling the Handmaids to pity the Wives (recent past) description of kitchen, baking bread smell Rita and Cora's attitudes towards Offred (through bringing back the shopping) physical description of Cora description of hallway Commander snooping around Offred's room

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    Chapter Nine
    present claims room as hers memory of her affair with Luke, and description of hotel rooms (past) - contrast between past and present society exploration of her room - expression of loneliness/missing Luke, suicidal thoughts exploration of cupboard - first sign of a connection with an unknown woman first scrap of information about the unknown woman before her, secrecy creates intrigue

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    Chapter Ten
    present talks about music and singing to herself silently, music in the house talks about summer time and summer dresses memory of Aunt Lydia speaking about summer (recent past) - first sign of her humanity, despite strong, commanding leadership memory of Moira smoking in her college dormitory (past) - conversation about lacy lingerie description of past society (present) - ignoring, gradually heating bathtub, boiling to death, 'we lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of the print.' looking out of the window, sounds clear, not very much happens, window seat and Faith cushion, Commander going to the car and her feelings towards him memory of Moira and her throwing water balloons out of her dormitory window (past) boys climbing ladder for girl's underwear, dorms used to be unisex return to Commander going to the car and her feelings towards him

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    Chapter Eleven
    visiting the doctor - 'obligatory', description of doctor's office and examination room, what she has to do - urine sample and paper arrangement doctor checks her offer of sex to impregnate her - laws against sterilisation and genetic testing power of doctors

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    Chapter Twelve
    bath time, description of bathroom discusses attitudes towards bodies and nakedness memory of her daughter in the bath memory of her daughter nearly being abducted in a supermarket meat remark; men and women links child's abduction to Gilead's authority to confiscate children compares daughter to ghost remembers photographs, baby clothes and lock of daughter's hair that she couldn't keep first reference to tattoo - 'national resource' brief reference to women losing their hair for punishment - historical link (Holocaust) description of food she has for dinner, what she's allowed to eat and how Rita shows resentment towards Offred hypothetical description of the Commander and Serena Joy's dining table, comment on their relationship (unreliable narrator)

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    V) NAP

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    Chapter Thirteen
    waiting for the Ceremony to begin, Renaissance art and animals in psychology mentioned first mention of birth exercises taught in Red Centre memory of Red Centre, 'catnaps' Moira's arrival at the Red Centre - arranging meeting in the toilets Testifying - Janine being gang-raped at 14 description of washrooms, comment on public nudity for men, meeting with Moira discussion of her body and what it means now 'memory' of Luke and her clothes (may not actually be a real memory)  memory of running from Gilead with her daughter and being caught - flashback dream

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    Chapter Fourteen
    kneeling in sitting room, waiting for Ceremony to begin description of sitting room, authenticity of its parts Serena Joy's perfume customs surrounding Ceremony Nick moves his foot so that it's touching Offred's watching the news, censorship, not an accurate representation of events loss of her name memory of her daughter and escaping, forged passports, sleeping pill

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    Chapter Fifteen
    Commander entering sitting room before Ceremony, relationship between Serena and Commander physical description of Commander behavioural description of Commander, relationship to household unlocking Bible from the box, women not allowed to read, Commander about to read Offred's thoughts on being a man in Gilead, foreshadowing of the Ceremony Bible reading (Commander) - flashback to the Centre and the made-up parts flashback - Moira's escape plans from the Centre return to Commander's Bible reading, reaction to what is to come; Commander, tired; Serena, upset and crying silent prayer, Latin linked to Moira, escape attempt failure and punishment conclusion of gathering

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    Chapter Sixteen
    Ceremony description of Serena Joy's bedroom and bed - unreliable narrator, eyes closed Offred's position to Serena and the Commander represents relationship, as does behaviour

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    Chapter Seventeen
    returning to her room after the Ceremony why she saved the butter looking out of the window, longing for Luke going to steal something, description of sitting room meeting Nick, sexual tension & wanting to be touched, mention of Commander wanting to see her

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    Chapter Eighteen
    vulnerabilty (lying in bed) memory of Luke and being pregnant with her daughter lack of love, missing people, wanting to touch and love another person beliefs about where Luke is; dead, in prison, escape via Quakers, resistance movement, waiting for a message from him

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    Chapter Nineteen
    dreaming she's awake, first of daughter, then her mother waking up - possibility they are drugging her hope and charity cushions meaning of the word chair breakfast, significance of the egg Birthmobile, freedom, Unbabies mention of radiation and environmental/biological damage (pre-Gilead) flashback to Red Centre, birth rates, women not wanting children, initials on desk - schools closed for lack of children (mid 1980's) 'think of yourselves as pearls' (present) van stops, Guardians escort Red Centre flashback; Aunt Elizabeth speaking about when doctors were in charge of birth arrival of blue Birthmobile; what Offred thinks the wives talk about, both in Ofwarren's presence and not

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    Chapter Twenty
    description of the buffet for the Wives where Commanders go on Birth Days description of Ofwarren/Janine; Aunt Elizabeth, birthing stool 'transitional generation' - flashback to the Red Centre, types of movies watched in schools vs. types of films Aunt Lydia showed, Unwomen documentaries, marches flashback of Offred's mother talking about when she first had Offred, how Offred remembers her, talking about her father, then men in general, progression of feminism and equality - 'cooking's my hobby' description of Offred's relationship with her mother, wanting her back

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    Chapter Twenty-One
    description of room people are gathered in for birth - chanting Janine's behaviour Handmaid refreshments finding things out on Birth Days 'identify with your body' return to Janine, discomfort in the room, second baby control over birth; chanting throughout, 'dim the lights, tell her it's time,' collective tension birthing stool; wife elevated, Handmaid lowered actual birth itself; 'girl, poor thing', reaction - part memory; memories of Offred in hospital with Luke presumably after birth, baby cleaned and handed to Wife & named, focus off Janine, now neglected and transferred Birthmobile; feeling like they should have a baby themselves message to mother - 'you wanted a women's culture'

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    Chapter Twenty-Two
    coming home after Birth Day, tiredness story of what happened to Moira; example of being an unreliable narrator - Aunt Lydia's trust of Janine, how Moira escaped as an Aunt, Aunt Lydia asking Janine to tell her anything she hears description of how Janine is treated in the Red Centre Moira; both frightening (women losing taste for freedom) and exciting (flaw in Aunt's power), and still at large

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    Chapter Twenty-Three
    reconstruction - proof of unreliable narrative, thoughts of escaping Gilead not about who can own whom seems a reminder of Commander asking to kiss Offred - actually first mention (foreshadowing) dream of wearing earrings, one was broken - symbolic? discussing Janine's baby with Cora, Cora's hope for a baby Offred's first visit to Commander's office, 'not concubines, geisha girls, courtesans,' - risk of being caught (Unwoman) and risk of saying no to Commander to want is to have weakness, what does he want? The Commander's office - off limits to women, Guardians clean, physical description of room and Commander's pose pleasant greeting, outdated not intending to touch her, pleasant demeanour wanting to play Scrabble, Offred's reaction; internal laughter, partial shock (compares it to drugs), counters like candies, savouring 'go home' - date, conspiracy, asking to kiss her Offred thinks about murdering Commander by taking apart the toilet - weapon to defend herself with 'Not like that... As if you meant it.' - reconstruction

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    Chapter Twenty-Four
    going back to her room after first visit to Commander, trying to gain perspective, must live in the present and forget who she used to be  stating facts about herself to reorientate herself with her surroundings - feature of dystopian narrative, learn new things about her flashback to the Red Centre - 'men are sex machines', implied by Aunt Lydia, Commander doesn't fit with her implication, hilarious and bizarre, not sexual memory of television programme about Holocaust - no names mentioned, partial memory? watching with her mother as a child, think history was fiction, Gilead equally unbelievable, thinking Jews had been eaten, in a way, they had been, like Gileadan society takes away people's lives. Information about Hitler's mistress, found him endearing, too pride in her appearance, tried not to think (similar to Gilead), killed herself several days after interview filmed, emphasis on remembering make-up, envy? return to present, getting undressed, starting to laugh, trying to stifle it, dangerous to laugh, no reason to  mention of 'Nolite te bastardes carborundorum' - useless slowly breathing, birth exercises

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    Chapter Twenty-Five
    waking up on the floor, Cora dropping the breakfast tray, 'fainting', willing to lie for her Spring, tulips Serena Joy gardening (memory), arthritis, 'fruiting body', 'Saint Serena,' coveting shears irises (present), bleeding hearts, female, buried things bursting upwards, desire, dropping pass at the barrier arrangement with Commander, unusual, signal is Nick, difficulty is the Wife, bedroom or sitting room, sometimes can't make it, sometime SJ is out, visiting sick Wife, HM's and Marthas can't get sick, Wives take turns first time she met with Commander, confusion, expecting something sexual, disappointing, Scrabble also a violation, opaque, something to bargain, Commander doesn't even understand what he wants second visit, began same as first, two games of Scrabble, struggling to remember how to read/spell, patient - Commander let her win last time, present, magazine, extinct animal, used to take them lightly, really wanting it, endless possibility, immortality, test, taboo dissolved, reading it, why Offred? "Who else could I show it to?", Wife doesn't understand third visit, asking for hand lotion, using butter, slap, afraid SJ will find out, past experience? fourth visit, receiving hand lotion, nowhere to keep it, room searches, Commander ignorant? watching her apply it
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