The New World Slide Show


These slides will depict images about the early Native American Tribes (including images of key terms) and Animism. They include activities and assignments
Jarra Williams
Diapositivas por Jarra Williams, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jarra Williams
Creado por Jarra Williams hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Guess who's coming to America!
    For many years, Indians heard many stories of "great spirits" (foreigners) who would eventually arrive on their shore from other countries.When the first explorers arrived, they thought they were arriving on floating islands. They didn't know these "floating islands" were simply ships.Initially, the Europeans thought the Indians were  wild, and lazy. But eventually they begin to rely on each other and build a positive relationship where they could rely on each other.
    Pie de foto: : Relationships among the Native Americans and Early settlers wasn't always easy. But in the beginning, they learned to accept their differences.

Diapositiva 2

    "Say my name!" -What's an Indian?
    Pie de foto: : Christopher Columbus - famed explorer arrived in the Bahamas in 1492.
    DEFINITION: Exploration: (n) - action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it: Christopher Columbus opened the door to "European Exploration:." After he came here, EVERYBODY wanted to explore the "New World" and discover its riches. Columbus even "renamed" the native people. He called them Indians. He thought America was the East Indies! He didn't ask them for their name. He gave an entire group of people a name!

Diapositiva 3

    Thinking Out of the Box Activity
    Many things will happen to the Native Americans in the next 250 years. Much of what has occurred begin with the impromptu meeting with Christopher Columbus in 1492.1. Watch the foreshadowing video   ---->  ---> ---->2. Answer the following question.1. The Native Americans were robbed of their identity when their name was stolen by Columbus. How does this one act foreshadow things to come for the Indians. (Hint: What else will be stolen from them?)
    Pie de foto: : Foreshadowing can occur in different ways: images, a variation in music, or even in dialogue among people.

Diapositiva 4

Diapositiva 5

Diapositiva 6

                   Is your house sitting on a cliff?The Native Americans in the "Southwest" region built their homes out of adobe.Adobe is a dried clay and straw mixture. Many of their homes were even built in the style of apartment buildings.
    Pie de foto: : Adobe Cliff Dwellings in Mesa Verde, CO

Diapositiva 7

    Pie de foto: : Above is an image of petroglyphs (rock carvings)
    The Flinstones aren't the only ones carving on rocks!Many details that historians have unearthed about Native American culture has been found in the petroglyphs (rock carvings) that they left behind. In America, the Indians in the Great Basin and Plateau are known for leaving behind various petroglyphs providing insight into their daily lives.

Diapositiva 8

    Stories "told by the totem"
                          "West Coast Indians Represent Big!"Totem poles were carved from large trees and told the stories of local legends. Some totems pictured the local gods and some of them marked gravesites of important leaders.
    Pie de foto: : Ancient Totem Poles symbolized different people/events.

Diapositiva 9

Diapositiva 10

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