6. People Scan Screens Based on Past Experience and Expectations


Diapositivas sobre 6. People Scan Screens Based on Past Experience and Expectations, creado por Mary Kelly el 27/10/2016.
Mary Kelly
Diapositivas por Mary Kelly, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mary Kelly
Creado por Mary Kelly hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Where to Look First
    Depending on your language, you will read left to right or vice versa. This will distinct where you look first. People typically focus on the middle of the page and side where they begin to read. The top of the page is often ignored, containing ordinary information like logos, black space, and navigation bars.  The edges are often ignored since they typically contain ads and irrelevant information per what they are looking for. 

Diapositiva 2

    Directing Focus
    You have the ability to direct focus away from the typical reading pattern. Photos grab attention, especially ones that contain faces. Movements like animations, videos, flashing, or blinking will draw attention. 

Diapositiva 3

    Mental Models
    People have a mental model of where things tend to be on a computer screen. People also have a mental model of the applications or website they typically use. They will look at a screen based on these mental models. 

Diapositiva 4

    How Problem's Effect View
    When an error or a  problem occurs, attention is redirected to the problem area. 
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