The black death was an epidemic of bubonic plaque. Its a disease caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. The bacteria circulates around rodents which started the plaque.
The black death arrived in Europe by sea on October 1347. 12 Genoese trading ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina after a long journey through the Black Sea. The people were shocked to see that most of the crew were dead and ill. They were covered in black boils, where it got the nick name "Black Death"
The black death originated in Europe where it spread to the Mediterranean, italy, spain, and France. It then moved to england in 1348. Then it struck Dorset and Hampshire along the south coast of England simultaneously. Then, it spread north and east, then on to Scandinavia and Russia.
The Black Death was one of many catastrophes to occur following an increase in population during the High Middle Ages. The population in Europe grew from 38 million to 78 million during the Middle Ages. The Black Death spread quickly because people who lives in Europe had a lot of contact. The plaque was able to spread quickly because during this time, the cities were filled with waste and pollution. The streets were filled with waste and had a lack of sewer systems. -The Jews were often blamed for causing the plaque, even though Jews were infected too. The Jews were forced to confess to starting the plaque even though they weren't responsible. The Jews were tortured and some confessed into poisoning wells and other water sources. Due to this event, the whole Jewish population in Strassburg, Germany were given the choice to convert to Christianity or be burned by stakes. About 2,000 jews died.
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Effects it had on Europe
The Black Death brought about great change in attitude, culture, and general lifestyle in Europe. One of the greatest effects of the Black Death was in the realm of laboring classes. Because there was a shortage of labor workers for landowners, gave an opportunity for jobs. -By the end of the plaque, 75 million people died, and took it several centuries for the world's population to recover from the loss of the plaque. -The Black Death led many Jews to flee east to Poland and Russia, where they remained in large numbers until the 20th-century.