Creating and innovating in the way of teaching is not easy. When our students understand the importance of assuming a 21st century teacher role that makes our role as college teachers worth everythin!!!
After reading and sharing ideas our final product was a collective and collaborative mind map which lead the course to more discoveries.
ICT are one of the basic supports for the learninag of a foreign language. ECC II lived it, learned how to use it, created and demonstrated how wonderful classes can become!!!
Course Closing Activity We have arrived to the end of this road, many things wre found and many things are still there to be discoverd. Please answer the following questions: 1. What topics do you consider were important? 2. What discoveries did you make in htis course? 3. Which must be the role of a 21st centrury teacher? 4. As an English learning process what is your opinion about the course?
Diapositiva 9
This has been a wondeful time of sharing and learning!! A class that demonstrated the power of persistance and belief. There will be no obstacle that will set them back, they have demonstrated the wonderful results dedication and working with conviction brings!!!!Visit this site where the students recorded their answers, you can comment also!!!