Anthropology Exam Revision


Fichas sobre Anthropology Exam Revision, creado por tarrynjnnz el 16/06/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Peake and Fleure Intelligence hypothesis. Smart people see the advantages of agriculture.
V. G. Childe Oasis theory.
What is the oasis theory? Dry conditions at end of pleistocene forced people to move to river valleys where heaps of plants and animals were and therefore had heaps of potential domesticates. (Symbiotic relationship)
Braidwood and Flanks Settling in theory ( movement to areas rich in wild grasses led to experimentation)
Cohen Saturated world - the hunter-gatherers saturated all areas and exhausted all possible strategies for increased food supply.
Kennedy and Watson Woman have extensive knowledge of botany and therefore manipulate the plants which results to domestication
Rindos Co evolution since plants use humans as a dispersal mechanism and therefore the ones more inclined to attract humans get re-established
Name 3 obstacles to domestication Diet not easily supplied by humans Slow growth rate and long gestation Nasty disposition Reluctance to breed in captivity Anxious in enclosed space when predators present
Near East consists out of which countries? Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Palenstine
Shanidar cave Kurdistan, Iraq
Which period is associated with the earliest agriculture? Neolithic
What happened at the Ohalo site and where is it found? Israel: Lots of vegetal preservation (shows broad use of grains) and brushhuts are preserved.
Where is Jericho found? In the Levant
What occurred in Catalhoyuk and where was it found? Syria - round to rectangular houses Lots of ritual paraphenalia = new social control mechanisms Trade and exchange i.e. obsidian Pottery production
Kebaran Archaeological culture consisting out of many hunter-gatherer individuals in Mesopotamia
Natufian Where was it found and what was found? Wadi Hammeh near Jordan Valley Semi-subterrean houses with storage pits and pavements Also tool kits with grinding stones and the sickle blades which show use of wild grains
What do sickle blades suggest? Use and cultivation of wild grains
Younger dryas An episode of global cooling approx. 12.8ka Couldve triggered people to start farming
PPNA Several species of animals killed although they were not domesticated (no morphological alterations) and circular houses present
PPNB Bigger sites found with rectangular houses Wild gazelle hunting replaced by domesticated sheep Long distance trade evident - shells from the red sea and obsidian from Anatolia
Ain Ghazal Jordan Plastered sculptures buried in a pit which suggests link to human burials. Human upper skull removed
Where is Catalhoyuk? And what is it known for? Central Anatolia Murals of cattle
How is heard management shown in Ganji Daren, Iran? Juveniles killed for meat Older females kept for breeding Decline in males - shows domestication
Fertile Crescent Fertile land rich in flora and fauna which provided ancestors with many domesticates
What did the Natufian hunter-gathers do? Made use of the rich resources which resulted in population growth and reduced mobility.
What evidence is seen by PPNB? lots of evidence of small villages with enhanced ritual and long distance trade
What were the three sisters and which was domesticated first? Beans, Maize and Squash Squash domesticated first
Name some other native american domesticates Chilli, tobacco, cocoa, potato etc.
Where were the three sisters domesticated? Mesoamerica
What was domesticated in South America? Root crops like potato, sweet potato and manioc
What did maize develop from? Wild teosinte
American domesticated animals incl. Ilama, Alpaca and Guinea pig Dogs, turkey and duck
Who investigated Tehuacan Valley? McNeish
What is found at Tehuacan Valley? Central Mexican Highlands Hunter gatherers hunted extinct horses and antelope and smaller game like rabbits, turtles and birds etc.
Where is the bean and squash ancestor found? Tehuacan Valley
Name three plant spp. that were domesticated at Tehuacan valley? Avocado, chilli and squash
What are the three changes following bean domestication? Seed permeability, morphological change - non- shattering pod and perrenial to annual growth patterns.
Who suggested the model of orgin of agriculture? Flannery
Which site did Flannery work at? Guila Naquitz - dry highland cave
Where is the earliest development of ritual thought to be? And what is the ritual? Gheo Shih - its a dance ground
Where did cannabilism occur and what was added to the dead bodies? Coxactlan Cave Tehuacan Valley Wild crops were harvested and added to the dead bodies in the burial
What is found at San Jose Mogote A ritual mens house
Where did the most complex agricultural development occurred? Near East or New World? Near East
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