Chapter 1: A Brief History of Music Technology


Notes on chapter 1
Roxanne V  Springman
Fichas por Roxanne V Springman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Roxanne V  Springman
Creado por Roxanne V Springman hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
a quote by Milton Babbitt "The new limitations are the human ones of perception"
Hydraulis water organ
pipe organ can be traced all the way back to third century BCE
Lascaux Caves of France contain wall paintings that suggest animations
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart referred to the pipe organ as the "King of Instruments"
DAW DIgital Audio Workstation
Manuals keyboards
Player Piano (Pianola) a piano that captured and played live music on a rotating roll of paper
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDI Editor Window Also known as the "Piano Roll"
Phonograph Introduced by Thomas Edison in 1877, it recorded any sound wave onto tinfoil sheet cylinders
Gramophone by the 1920's, this device kicked the phonograph to the curb by providing superior audio fidelity, plus vinyls were more easily stamped and pressed
Why was the gramophone more popular than the phonograph? its utilization of vinyls (flat disks)/Long Plays (LPs) were better suited to mass production and outperformed the phonograph in sales and market share
Music Streaming Thaddeus Cahill introduced the idea in 1896, when he filed a patent for the Telharmonium.
Telharmonium an invention that embodied the idea of transmitting music over telephone wires from a single location across the globe
Tone Wheels the analogy of stops of a pipe organ
Theremin and Ondes Martenot paired as twin instruments because they share identical methods of sound generation
Theremin invented by Russian immigrant LEon Theremin in 1928, this device utilized a person's two hands manipulating electric signals from two antennae
Two antennae of the Theremin One controlled Frequency, the other Amplitude
Ondes Martinot Introduced in 1927, produces pitches from an 88-key keyboard. A sliding ring controlled by the right hand determines the pitch relative to the note of the keyboard it was lined up with.
Clara Rockmore well known for playing the Theremin
Multitracking (Sound-on-Sound) A recording technique by Les Paul that stacked multiple sounds together
Mellotron in 1963, this instrument became the world's first true Sampler Keyboard
Sine Wave Oscillator an electronic chip that oscillates sound pressures
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Weimar Revision
Tom Mitchell
GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
Ben C
Germany 1918-39
Cam Burke
History- Medicine through time key figures
The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
History- Religion and medicine
History - Treaty of Versailles
Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
Adam Collinge
Conferences of the Cold War
Alina A
Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
Alina A
The Berlin Crisis
Alina A