ICT Glossary


GCSE IT Fichas sobre ICT Glossary, creado por Zainab Ali el 12/09/2017.
Zainab Ali
Fichas por Zainab Ali, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Zainab Ali
Creado por Zainab Ali hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

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3G Third generation wireless communication which allows high speed wireless data transfer.
Acceptable use policy (AUP) Rules to which users agree, to reduce the misuse of ICT. Often found on social networking/collaborative sites i.e. schools.
Backup A copy of data is made in case the original data is lost or damaged . The backup can be used to restore the original data.
Biometric An automated method of recognising a person based on Physical Characteristics. Among the features measured are face, fingerprints, hand geometry, iris and voice.
Blog A shared online journal where people can cost diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies.
Blue-jacking The sending of unwanted messages to others over Bluetooth devices.
Blue tooth Allows the exchange of data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices. In order for devices to communicate they must be able to understand the Bluetooth riles (protocols).
Blu-Ray A disk that enables the recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video and the storing of large amounts of data. It has more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single layer disk and 50GB on a dual layer disk.
Cloud Computing A system in which all computer programs and data is stored on a central server owned by a computer (e.g. Google) and accessed virtually.
Collaboratively Working together with other people.
Commercial Related to a business.
Compatible The ability of a device to communicate and share information with another device.
Computer Misuse Act This law restricts people from accessing or modifying data without permission.
Convergence When one device is developed to carry out functions that were originally performed by several different devices.
Cookies Small text files that are sent to your computer from websites that track your behaviour and transactions.
Copyright Gives the creator of original work exclusive rights regarding work for a certain period of time, including publication, distribution and adaption.
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act This law protects people's original work from being used without their permission.
Credit Card A plastic card issued by bank, building societies and other businesses, which enables a person to buy goods and services without the need for cash. The holder agrees to pay back the money borrowed at a later date, sometimes with interest.
Data Symbols, characters, images and numbers are all types of data. When data is processed and acquires meaning it becomes information. Computers process data to produce information.
Data Protection Act This law regulates how personal information is used and protects against misuse of personal details.
Debit Card Similar to credit card, but money is taken directly from the cardholder's bank account.
Digital Divide Unequal access to ICT for individuals or groups, usually due to financial, geographic, health or cultural reasons.
Digital Economy Act This law protects copyright holders from criminals who illegally distribute copyrighted material (piracy).
Digital Rights Management Allows the copyright holder or the owner of the media control over the number of viewings, plays and copies, and even which devices the media can be played or viewed on. If you download a film from iTunes, you cannot burn it on a DVD because of the DRM encoded in the film.
Dongle A small piece of hardware that connects to a computer and has uses including data storage and picking up Bluetooth and 3G signals. A dongle may be portable like a USB pen.
Download Transfer of a file, e.g. a video from a central computer to your computer.
DVD DVDs offer higher storage capacity than a CD while having the same dimensions. Blank recordable DVDs (DVD-R and DVD+R) can be recorded once using optical disc recording technologies and supported by optical disc drives and DVD recorders, and then function as a DVD-ROM. Rewritable DVDs (DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) can be recorded and erased multiple times.
E-commerce Buying and selling goods electronically, usually over the internet.
Electronic waste (e-waste) Rubbish comprising of digital materials e.g. old computers.
Encryption For security, data is translated into a secret code according to a set of rules in a special 'key'. To convert the data back into plain text, the receiver must also have the key.
Ergonomics The design of equipment to increase the efficiency of the way it is used by the human body, to promote the health of users.
Etiquette A set of rules that people try to abide by out of respect for other people around them. Typically for the internet the word Netiquette as evolved.
Firewall A system designed to prevent unauthorised access to your computer when connected to a network such as the Internet.
Flash Memory Card Used for fast and easily transferable storage in digital devices such as mobile phones, media players, and cameras. Flash memory is known as a solid state storage device, meaning there are no moving parts. Everything is electronic instead of mechanical and so it is ideal for mobile devices.
Fraud Tricking someone for personal gain or to damage them; for example financially by stealing money or items.
Geotag To attach the exact geographical coordinates of longitude and latitude to a digital image, giving the location of where it was taken.
Globalisation The increasing integration of economics and societies around the world, particularly through international trade.
GPS (global positioning system) A navigational system used in many devices which gives current location.
Hacker Someone who gains unauthorised access to a computer in order to obtain data stored in it.
HDMI (High definition multimedia interface) Required for connecting devices to show high-definition video.
HDTV High Definition Television.
High Definition (HD) The picture on a TV screen is made of lines of pixels. In a conventional TV there are 625 lines, which are refreshed 25 times per second. HD has either 720 1080 lines, so it produces a cleaner, sharper image.
Hosted software Hosted software, also known as Software as a Service (SaaS). Is accessed via a web browser rather than being installed on the user's computer.
Identity theft A crime that involves someone pretending to be another person in order to steal money or obtain other benefits.
Information overload Having so much information that the user feels overwhelmed.
ISP (Internet Service Protector) A company that provides internet access to its customers.
IP (Internet protocol) address. The personal address of your computer (just like your home address) so that servers know where to send the information you have requested. Example
LAG Slow computer functionality often caused by high latency or low performance hardware.
Latency The time delay between the moment something is initiated and the moment it becomes detectable.
Locally installed software Software which is installed on the user's computer.
Microblog Short messages which may include short sentences, individual images or video links. An example is Twitter.
Multifunctional Having the ability to do many different things using the same device.
Near field communication (NFC) Allows the wireless exchange of data between two devices by touching them together or holding them very close to each other.
Non-physical goods Items for sale which are delivered digitally e.g. music files from iTunes. Sometimes called DLC (download content).
On-demand entertainment Technology that allows users to view programmes at the time of their choosing by streaming them.
Online banking A service offered by banks that allows account holders to view their account holders to view their account information online and carry out various financial transactions.
Online community A group of members of a website who communicate and share ideas online, often about a shared internet.
Open source software Software that is available to download free of charge e.g. Open office.org, which is a suite of applications.
Overheads The ongoing expenses of operating a business, e.g. rent, fuel bills, salaries.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) Sharing files among groups of people who are logged onto a file sharing network.
Peripherals External devices connected to a computer e.g. printer, microphone.
Personalised learning Learning that is tailored towards the individual to allow them to make progress.
Personalisation techniques Ways of making content relevant ot the particular customer using their interests, geographical position, etc.
Phishing A form of internet fraud that aims to steal valuable information such as credit cards, usernames and passwords.
Physical goods Items for sale which can be touched and must be delivered by post in some way.
Plagiarism Copy someone else's work and presenting it as yours.
Privacy The protection of personal data.
Proprietary software Software for which you have to pay for a license to use use (e.g. Microsoft office).
Protocol A set of rules used by computers to communicate with each other across a network.
Public domain Material that are available for anyone to use for any purpose (not subject to the laws of copyright).
Query To search, usually when talking about a database.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Damaged caused to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or joints, usually because of repeating the same action.
RSS feeds A web feed format used for content which is frequently updated e.g. news, in a standard format so it can be added to a variety of websites.
Sat Nav A device, usually in a car, that gives directions based on information received from a series of satellites.
SD and SDHC cards Secure Digital (SD) cards are one type of flash memory card which store uo to 2 GB of data. Secure Digital Capacity (SDHC) cards are another type of flash memory card and they are ideal for video cameras because they can store up to 32 GB of data.
Search engine index A list of websites has been compiled by the search engine which drastically increases speed of searching. The search engine will search its index, which takes milliseconds, rather than millions of files, which could take hours.
Social Bookmarking A way of organising and managing links to online resources, allowing users tro search them easily.
Social networking site An online community where people can communicate and share information.
Software as a service Hosted software, also known as Software as a Service (SaaS). Is accessed via a web browser rather than being installed on the user's computer.
Smartphone A phone offering advanced features e.g. the ability to send emails, surf the Internet.
Spyware Software that can be installed on your computer without your knowledge, which collects information about your logins and passwords and sends details to another computer on the Internet.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) A method of encrypting data to provide security for communications over network such as the TSL (Transport Layer Security) is a later version of SSL.
Stream Content is sent in compressed from over the internet and displayed by the viewer in real time. When streaming video, a web user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives an a special player.
Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
Target audience A description of the people your products are aimed at. It could include their age, the languages they speak, their special needs, or any other characteristics relevant to the scenario you are given.
Targeted marketing Identifying a specific target audience by identifying preferences or other personal details and then creating promotional or advertising campaigns to match their preferences.
Teleworking Working from home but staying in touch with others with the help of technology.
Third party payment processor A business that offers customers an alternative fast, safe method to pay for online goods and services.
Transactional Data Data which is gathered as a part of a users online activity. When buying something online, this could include information about the product bought but also personal details from the buyer such as an address and payment details.
Trojan A program that appears legitimate but which performs harmful activity when it is run. It may be used to locate password information, or make the system more vulnerable to future entry, or simply dstroy programs or data on the hard disk drive. A Trojan us similar to a virus except that it does not replicate itself. It stays in the computer doing its damage ir allowing somebody from a remote sute to take control of the computer. Trojans often sneak in attached toa free game.
Upload Transfer a file from your computer to a central computer, e.g. your ISP.
User-generated reference sites User-generated reference sites allow users to generate content comparatively on a website which others can refer to inform their research.
Validity Based on truth, or reason. It is important to judge whether information found online is valid because it could be based on untruthful.
Viral marketing A marketing strategy that encourages people to pass on a marketing message to their friends. It uses interesting and entertaining content that people will want to share. Viral marketing uses multimedia to make the message memorable.
Virtual learning environment An online system for education with areas for homework, classes, teacher and pupil space etc.
Virus A program designed to cause other programs on a computer to malfunction or stop working altogether.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) This technology is used to make telephone calls via the internet, usually at a cheap cost.
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) It is similar to Bluetooth, in the sense that it is used to exchange data wirelessly, but the signal can travel greater distances.
Wikis A type of website that encourages collaboration by allowing users to add, edit and remove content.
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