Organic Chemistry test prac


Year 12 Chemistry Fichas sobre Organic Chemistry test prac, creado por caelan yo el 20/09/2017.
caelan yo
Fichas por caelan yo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
caelan yo
Creado por caelan yo hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
The formula for CO2 (combustion reaction) C + O2 = CO2
The formula for carbonic acid CO2 + H2O = H2CO3
The formula for Carbonic acid reacting with calcium hydroxide. H2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + 2H2O
The formula for calcium carbonate reacting with water CaCO3 + HCl -> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
The weight of H 1
the weight of O 16
weight of N 14
the weight of C 12
the weight of S 32
the weight of Ca 40
the molecular structure of amine C - NH3
the molecular structure of keytone O // R-C \ R
What is an aldehyde? An aldehyde or alkanal is an organic compound containing a functional group with the structure −CHO, consisting of a carbonyl center with the carbon atom also bonded to hydrogen and to an R group
What is the molecular structure of an aldehyde? O // R-C \ H
What is REDOX? Reduction Oxydation
Molecular structure of Alcohol? R-C-OH
Molecular structure of carboxylic acid O // R-C \ OH
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