
Popular Phrasal verbs
Fichas por Ogomes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Ogomes hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ask Out To invite somebody to go out
Be back To return
Break down To fail suddenly
break up To end a relationship
Call back To return a phone call
call up To phone
calm down To relax
carry on To continue doing something
check in to register at hotel/airport
check out to pay a bill
cheer up to fell better
come back to return
come in to enter
come on to encourage
come over to visit
come up to be mentined
count on to trust
cut off to disconnect
do over to do something again
drop in to visit informally
eat up to eat all of something
figure out to understand something/solve
fill in to complete an empty space
fill out to complete a form
find out to get information/ discovery
get along with to have a good relationship
get back to return
get in to enter a car
get off to leave a vehicle
get on to enter any vehicle
get over to finish
get over to start to feel better again
get rid of to discard
get up To get out of bed
give up to stop trying/stop doing something
go ahead to begin to do something
go along to agree
go back to return
go down to become lower
go on to continue/happen
go out to go to a social event
go over to examine
grow up to become an adult
hang up to end a phone call suddenly
hold on to wait on the phone
hurry up to do things faster
keep off to prevent touching
keep on to continue
keep up with to be aware of something
let down to disappoint
look after to take care of
look down to be snobbish
look for to try to find
look into to examine
look up to look for information
make up to give an excuse/decide
mess around to spend time doing something
pass way to die/ polite form
pass out to become unconscious
pay back to return money
pick up to take in one's hand to get somebody from a place
put away to put in proper place
put down to stop holding to mak somebody feel stupid
put off to postpone
put on to dress opposite : take off
put through to conect by telephone
put up with to tolerate
run away to go away secretly
run into to meet by chance
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