English to French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese (common words & phrases)


Source = http://ielanguages.com/romlang.html
Jamal Student
Fichas por Jamal Student, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jamal Student
Creado por Jamal Student hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
good morning / day French: bonjour Italian: buongiorno / buondi Spanish: buenos días / buen día Portuguese: bom día
good afternoon French: bon après-midi Italian: buon pomeriggio Spanish: buenas tardes Portuguese: boa tarde
good evening French: bonsoir Italian: buona sera / sera Spanish: buenas tardes Portuguese: boa tarde
good night (going to bed) French: bonne nuit Italian: buona notte / notte Spanish: buenas noches Portuguese: boa noite
hello French: bonjour Italian: salve / ciao Spanish: hola Portuguese: olá
hi / bye French: salut / ciao / coucou Italian: ciao Spanish: chao Portuguese: Tchau
goodbye French: au revoir Italian: arrivederci / arrivederla (formal) Spanish: adiós Portuguese: adeus
please French: s'il vous plaît / s'il te plaît (informal) Italian: per favore Spanish: por favor Portuguese: por favor
thank you French: merci Italian: grazie Spanish: gracias Portuguese: obrigado(a)
thank you very much French: merci beaucoup Italian: grazie mille Spanish: muchas gracias Portuguese: muito obrigado(a)
you're welcome French: de rien Italian: prego / di niente Spanish: de nada Portuguese: de nada
don't mention it French: il n'y a pas de quoi Italian: non c'è di che Spanish: no hay de qué Portuguese: não há de quê
How are you? (for) French: Comment allez-vous ? Italian: Come sta? Spanish: ¿Cómo está Usted? Portuguese: Como o senhor está?
How are you? (inf) French: Ça va? Italian: Come stai? Spanish: ¿Cómo estás? Portuguese: Como vai?
I'm fine French: Je vais bien / Ça va (informal) Italian: Sto bene Spanish: Estoy bien Portuguese: Estou bem
Very well French: Très bien Italian: Abbastanza bene Spanish: Muy bien Portuguese: Muito bem
OK / so-so French: Comme ci, comme ça Italian: Cosí cosí / Insomma Spanish: Así, así / Más o menos Portuguese: Assim / Mais ou menos
Bad French: Mal Italian: Male Spanish: Mal Portuguese: Mal
Yes French: Oui / Si (response to negative question) Italian: Si Spanish: Sí Portuguese: Sim
No French: Non Italian: No Spanish: No Portuguese: Não
Okay French: D'accord Italian: D'accordo / Va bene Spanish: Vale Portuguese: Tá bem
What's your name? (formal) French: Comment vous appelez-vous ? Italian: Come si chiama? Spanish: ¿Cómo se llama Usted? Portuguese: Como o senhor (a senhora) se chama?
What's your name? (inf) French: Tu t'appelles comment ? Italian: Come ti chiami? Spanish: ¿Cómo te llamas? Portuguese: Como você se chama?
My name is ___ French: Je m'appelle ___ Italian: Mi chiamo ___ Spanish: Me llamo ___ Portuguese: Me chamo ___
Where are you from? (for) French: D'où venez-vous ? Italian: Di dov'è Lei? / Lei di dov'è? Spanish: ¿De dónde es usted? Portuguese: De onde o senhor (a senhora) é?
Where are you from? (inf) French: Tu es d'où ? Italian: Di dove sei? Spanish: ¿De dónde eres? Portuguese: De onde você é?
I'm from ___ French: Je suis de ___ Italian: Sono di ___ Spanish: Soy de ___ Portuguese: Eu sou de ___
How old are you? French: Quel âge avez-vous ? Italian: Quanti anni ha? Spanish: ¿Cuántos años tiene usted? Portuguese: Quantos anos o senhor (a senhora) tem?
How old are you? French: Tu as quel âge ? Italian: Quanti anni hai? Spanish: ¿Cuántos años tienes? Portuguese: Quantos anos você tem?
I'm ___ years old. French: J'ai ___ ans Italian: Ho ___ anni Spanish: Tengo ___ años Portuguese: Eu tenho _____ anos
Do you speak ___? (for) French: Parlez-vous ___ ? Italian: Lei parla ___? Spanish: ¿Habla ___? Portuguese: O senhor (a senhora) fala ___?
Do you speak ___? (inf) French: Tu parles ___ ? Italian: Parli ___? Spanish: ¿Hablas ___? Portuguese: Você fala ___?
I speak ___ French: Je parle ___ Italian: Parlo ___ Spanish: Hablo ___ Portuguese: Falo ___
I don't speak ___ French: Je ne parle pas ___ Italian: Non parlo ___ Spanish: No hablo ___ Portuguese: Não falo ___
English French: anglais Italian: inglese Spanish: inglés Portuguese: inglês
French French: français Italian: francese Spanish: francés Portuguese: francês
Italian French: italien Italian: italiano Spanish: italiano Portuguese: italiano
Spanish French: espagnol Italian: spagnolo Spanish: español Portuguese: espanhol
Portuguese French: portugais Italian: portoghese Spanish: portugués Portuguese: português
I know French: Je sais Italian: Lo so Spanish: Lo sé Portuguese: Eu sei
I don't know French: Je ne sais pas Italian: Non lo so Spanish: No lo sé Portuguese: Eu não sei
Do you understand? (for) French: Comprenez-vous ? Italian: Capisce? Spanish: ¿Comprende? Portuguese: Compreende? / Entende?
Do you understand? (inf) French: Tu comprends ? Italian: Capisci? Spanish: ¿Comprendes? Portuguese: Compreende? / Entende?
I understand French: Je comprends Italian: Capisco Spanish: Comprendo / Entiendo Portuguese: Compreendo / Entendo
I don't understand French: Je ne comprends pas Italian: Non capisco Spanish: No comprendo / No entiendo Portuguese: Não compreendo / Não entendo
Can you help me? (for) French: Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Italian: Può aiutarmi? Spanish: ¿Puede ayudarme? Portuguese: Pode me ajudar?
Can you help me? (inf) French: Tu peux m'aider ? Italian: Puoi aiutarmi? Spanish: ¿Puedes ayudarme? Portuguese: Pode me ajudar?
Can you speak more slowly? (for) French: Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement ? Italian: Può parlare più lentamente? Spanish: ¿Puede hablar más despacio? Portuguese: Pode falar mais devagar?
Can you speak more slowly? (inf) French: Tu peux parler plus lentement ? Italian: Puoi parlare più lentamente? Spanish: ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? Portuguese: Pode falar mais devagar?
Can you repeat? (for) French: Pouvez-vous répéter ? Italian: Può ripetere? Spanish: ¿Puede repetir? Portuguese: Pode repetir?
Can you repeat? (inf) French: Tu peux répéter ? Italian: Puoi ripetere? Spanish: ¿Puedes repetir? Portuguese: Pode repetir?
Of course. French: Bien sûr Italian: Certamente / Ma certo Spanish: Claro que sí Portuguese: Claro que sim
I would like ___ French: Je voudrais ___ Italian: Vorrei ___ Spanish: Quisiera ___ Portuguese: Queria ___
Where is / are ___? French: Où est / Où sont ___ ? Italian: Dov'è / Dove sono ___? Spanish: ¿Dónde está / Dónde están ___? Portuguese: Onde está / Onde estão ___?
Excuse me French: Excusez-moi Italian: Con permesso Spanish: Con permiso Portuguese: Com licença
Pardon me French: Pardon Italian: Mi scusi Spanish: Perdón Portuguese: Perdão
I'm sorry French: Je suis désolé (désolée) Italian: Mi dispiace Spanish: Lo siento Portuguese: Desculpe-me
Come in French: Entrez Italian: Avanti Spanish: Adelante Portuguese: Entre
See you soon French: À bientôt Italian: A presto Spanish: Hasta pronto Portuguese: Até breve
See you later French: À plus tard Italian: A più tardi Spanish: Hasta luego Portuguese: Até logo
See you tomorrow French: À demain Italian: A domani Spanish: Hasta mañana Portuguese: Até amanhã
See you (next time / later) French: À la prochaine Italian: Alla prossima Spanish: Hasta la vista Portuguese: Até mais
Mister / Sir French: Monsieur Italian: Signore Spanish: Señor Portuguese: Senhor
Misses / Ma'am French: Madame Italian: Signora Spanish: Señora Portuguese: Senhora
Miss French: Mademoiselle Italian: Signorina Spanish: Señorita Portuguese: Senhorita
Nice to meet you French: Enchanté (Enchantée) Italian: Piacere / Molto lieto (Molto lieta) Spanish: Encantado (Ecantada) / Mucho gusto Portuguese: Prazer em conhecê-lo (-la)
Same here / likewise French: Enchanté (Enchantée) Italian: Piacere / Molto lieto (Molto lieta) Spanish: Igualmente Portuguese: Igualmente
Pardon? French: Comment ? Italian: Come? / Prego? Spanish: ¿Cómo? Portuguese: Como?
How do you say ___? French: Comment dit-on ___ ? Italian: Come se dice ___? Spanish: ¿Cómo se dice ___? Portuguese: Como se diz ___?
What's the matter? French: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? Italian: Cosa c'è? Spanish: ¿Qué pasa? Portuguese: Qual é o problema?
What's happening? French: Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Italian: Che succede? Spanish: ¿Qué pasa? / ¿Qué tal? Portuguese: O que aconteceu?
There is / are French: Il y a Italian: C'è / Ci sono Spanish: Hay Portuguese: Há
What is it? French: Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ? Italian: Che cosa è? / Cos'è? Spanish: ¿Qué es esto? Portuguese: O que é isto?
Right? French: N'est-ce pas? Italian: Vero? Spanish: ¿Verdad? Portuguese: Verdade?
It depends French: Ça dépend Italian: Dipende Spanish: Depende Portuguese: Depende
I don't think so French: Je ne crois pas Italian: Non penso Spanish: Creo que no Portuguese: Acho que não
I think so French: Je crois que oui Italian: Penso di sì Spanish: Creo que sí Portuguese: Creio que sim
It's all the same to me French: Ça m'est égal Italian: Mi è indifferente / Non mi importa Spanish: No me importa Portuguese: Não me importo
It doesn't matter French: Ça ne fait rien Italian: Non importa Spanish: No importa Portuguese: Não importa
I have no idea French: Je n'ai aucune idée Italian: Non ho idea Spanish: No tengo ni idea Portuguese: Não tenho idéia
I'm tired French: Je suis fatigué (fatiguée) Italian: Sono stanco (stanca) Spanish: Estoy cansado (cansada) Portuguese: Estou cansado (cansada)
I'm sick French: Je suis malade Italian: Sono malato (malata) Spanish: Estoy enfermo (enferma) Portuguese: Estou doente
I'm hungry French: J'ai faim Italian: Ho fame Spanish: Tengo hambre Portuguese: Estou com fome
I'm thirsty French: J'ai soif Italian: Ho sete Spanish: Tengo sed Portuguese: Estou com sede
I'm cold French: J'ai froid Italian: Ho freddo Spanish: Tengo frío Portuguese: Estou com frio
I'm hot French: J'ai chaud Italian: Ho caldo Spanish: Tengo calor Portuguese: Estou com calor
I'm bored French: Je m'ennuie Italian: Mi annoio Spanish: Estoy aburrido (aburrida) Portuguese: Estou chateado (chateada)
I forgot French: J'ai oublié Italian: Ho dimenticato Spanish: Me olvidé Portuguese: Me esqueci
I have to go French: Je dois y aller Italian: Devo andare Spanish: Tengo que irme Portuguese: Tenho que ir agora
Welcome French: Bienvenue Italian: Benvenuti Spanish: Bienvenidos Portuguese: Bem-vindo(s)
Let's go French: Allons-y Italian: Andiamo Spanish: Vamos Portuguese: Vamos
Good luck French: Bonne chance Italian: Buona fortuna Spanish: Buena suerte Portuguese: Boa sorte
Have fun (plural) French: Amusez-vous Italian: Divertitevi Spanish: Diviértanse / Que se diviertan Portuguese: Divirta-se
Have fun (inf) French: Amuse-toi Italian: Divertiti Spanish: Diviértete / Que te diviertas Portuguese: Diverte-te
Bless you (after sneeze) French: À tes souhaits / À vos souhaits (for) Italian: Salute Spanish: Salud Portuguese: Saúde
Cheers (toasting) French: Santé Italian: Cincin Spanish: Salud Portuguese: Tin-tin
Hello (answering phone) French: Âllo Italian: Pronto Spanish: Aló / Dígame / Si / Bueno Portuguese: Alô
Be careful French: Fais attention / Faites attention (for) Italian: Fa' attenzione / Fate attenzione (for) Spanish: Cuidado Portuguese: Cuidado / Atenção
Don't worry (inf) French: Ne t'en fais pas Italian: Non ti preoccupare Spanish: No te preocupes Portuguese: Não te preocupes
Be quiet / Shut up (inf) French: Tais-toi Italian: Stai zitto / Zitto Spanish: Cállate Portuguese: Cale a boca
Congratulations French: Félicitations Italian: Congratulazioni / Auguri Spanish: Felicitaciones Portuguese: Parabéns
Happy New Year French: Bonne Année Italian: Buon Anno Spanish: Feliz Año Nuevo Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Happy Easter French: Joyeuses Pâques Italian: Buona Pasqua Spanish: Feliz Pascua Portuguese: Feliz Páscoa
Merry Christmas Spanish: Joyeux Noël Italian: Buon Natale Spanish: Feliz Navidad Portuguese: Feliz Natal
Happy Birthday French: Bon anniversaire Italian: Buon compleanno Spanish: Feliz cumpleaños Portuguese: Feliz aniversário
Enjoy your meal French: Bon appétit Italian: Buon appetito Spanish: Que aproveche Portuguese: Bom apetite
Have a safe journey French: Bon voyage Italian: Buon viaggio Spanish: Buen viaje Portuguese: Boa viagem
Have a good holiday French: Bonnes vacances Italian: Buone vacanze Spanish: Buenas vacaciones Portuguese: Desejo-lhe umas boas férias
Have a nice day French: Bonne journée Italian: Buona giornata Spanish: Que tenga un buen día Portuguese: Tenha um bom dia
Sleep well (inf/f) French: Dors / Dormez bien Italian: Dormi bene Spanish: Que duermas bien Portuguese: Durma bem
Sweet dreams (inf/f) French: Fais / Faites de beaux rêves Italian: Sogni d'oro Spanish: Que tengas / tenga dulces sueños Portuguese: Bons sonhos
I love you (inf) French: Je t'aime Italian: Ti amo / Ti voglio bene Spanish: Te amo / Te quiero Portuguese: Eu te amo
I miss you (inf) French: Tu me manques Italian: Mi manchi Spanish: Te extraño Portuguese: Sinto a sua falta / Sinto saudades
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