Lab 6: Muscles of the Trunk and Lower Limb (ID Material)


Shemer BIOL252L Midterm 2
Marissa Alvarez
Fichas por Marissa Alvarez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marissa Alvarez
Creado por Marissa Alvarez hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Green star = Serratus Anterior Origin: lateral Surface of the ribs Insertion: Deep surface of scapula (subscapular fossa) Action: Protraction of the scapula
Serratus Anterior Origin: lateral Surface of the ribs Insertion: Deep surface of scapula (subscapular fossa) Action: Protraction of the scapula
Pectoralis Major Origin: Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Intertubercular Sulcus Action: Adduction of the humerus
Scalenes Anterior, middle, and posterior -Extend to the first two ribs -stabilize the thoracic cage during forced breathing
Pectoralis Minor Origin: 3rd-5th ribs Insertion: Coracoid Process of the scapula Action: Depression of the scapula
Psoas Major Origin: Bodies of lumbar vertebrae Insertion: Lesser trochanter (of femur) Action: Flexion of the femur (hip)
Iliacus Origin: Iliac crest & fossa Insertion: Lesser trochanter (of femur) Action: Flexion of the femur (hip)
Tensor Fascia Lata Origin: Iliac crest Insertion: IT tract Action: Flexor of the femur (hip)
Gluteus Maximus Origin: Iliac crest and sacrum Insertion: Posterior femur and IT tract Action: Extension of the femur (hip)
Iliacus Origin: Iliac crest & fossa Insertion: Lesser trochanter (of femur) Action: Flexion of the femur (hip)
Deep Hip Rotators Origin: Sacrum and posterior pelvis Insertion: Greater trochanter (of femur) Action: Lateral rotation of the femur (hip)
Gluteus Medius Origin: Lateral surface of ilium Insertion: Greater trochanter (of femur) Action: Abduction and medial rotation of femur (hip)
Psoas Major Origin: Bodies of lumbar vertebrae Insertion: Lesser trochanter (of femur) Action: Flexion of the femur (hip)
Gluteus Medius Origin: Lateral surface of ilium Insertion: Greater trochanter (of femur) Action: Abduction and medial rotation of femur (hip)
Pectineus Origin: Pectineal line Insertion: Posterior medial femur Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Adductor Longus Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Posterior medial femur Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Adductor Magnus Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Posterior medial femur Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Adductor brevis Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Posterior medial femur Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Gracilis Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Medial tibia Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Semimembranosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial tibia Action: Flexion of leg (knee)
Semitendinosus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial tibia Action: Flexion of leg (knee)
Biceps femoris (long head) Origin: Ischial tuberosity, posterior femur Insertion: Fibular head Action: Flexion of leg (knee)
Biceps Femoris (short head) Origin: Ischial tuberosity, posterior femur Insertion: Fibular head Action: Flexion of leg (knee)
Popliteus Origin: Posterior Tibia Insertion: Proximal lateral femur Action: Rotation of knee joint
Adductor magnus Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Posterior medial femur Action: Adduction of the femur (hip)
Vastus Lateralis Origin: Anterior femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity Action: Extension of leg (knee)
Rectus Femoris Origin: Ilium Insertion: Tibial tuberosity Action: Extension of leg (knee)
Vastus Intermedius Origin: Anterior femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity Action: Extension of leg (knee)
Sartorius Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: Tibial tuberosity Action: Extension of leg (knee)
Vastus medialis Origin: Anterior femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity Action: Extension of leg (knee)
Gastrocnemius Origin: Femur Insertion: Calcaneus Action: Plantar flexion
Soleus Origin: Fibular head Insertion: Calcaneus Action: Plantar flexion
Plantaris Origin: Femur Insertion: Calcaneus Action: Plantar flexion
Calcaneus Tendon
Flexor digitorum longus Origin: Posterior interosseus membrane Insertion: Plantar surface of phalanges Action: Flexion of digits (2-5)
Tibialis Posterior Origin: Posterior interosseus membrane Insertion: Plantar surface of tarsals/ metatarsals Action: Inversion of foot
Flexor Hallucis Longus Origin: Posterior interosseus membrane Insertion: Plantar surface of phalanges Action: Flexion of hallux
Tibialis Anterior Origin: Anterior interosseous membrane Insertion: Plantar surface of tarsals Action: Dorsiflexion of foot
Extensor digitorum longus Origin: Anterior interosseous membrane Insertion: Dorsal surface of phalanges Action: Extension of digits (2-5)
Extensor Hallucis longus Origin: Anterior interosseous membrane Insertion: Dorsal surface of phalanges Action: Extension of hallux
Fibularis Brevis Origin: Fibula Insertion: Plantar surface of tarsals Action: Eversion of foot
Fibularis longus Origin: Fibula Insertion: Plantar surface of tarsals Action: Eversion of foot
External intercostal muscles
Internal intercostal muscles
Internal Obliques
External Obliques
Rectus abdominus
Internal intercostal muscles
External intercostal muscles
Transversus Thoracis
External obliques
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