Biology B1.1 A - What is your genome?


GCSE (B1 - You & your genes) Biology Fichas sobre Biology B1.1 A - What is your genome?, creado por lily bevan el 27/11/2017.
lily bevan
Fichas por lily bevan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
lily bevan
Creado por lily bevan hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is a genome? All the genetic material of an organism.
What is an example of a feature that is a result of only your environment? A scar.
What is an example of a feature affected by both genetic information & environment? Body mass.
How can the environment affect the genome? The environment outside a cell can affect molecules on the cell surface. this can start a chain reaction of changes in the cell cytoplasm, eventually affect how the information in the genome is used - affect your features.
Where is the genetic material in animals found? Inside the nucleus.
What are organisms w/ a nucleus called? Eukaryotic Organisms
What are organisms w/out a nucleus called? Prokaryotic Organisms
Where is genetic information held in prokaryotic organisms? The cytoplasm, & sometimes plasmid.
What is a plasmid? a small loop of genetic material.
What is genetic material stored as? Chromosomes
How many chromosmes are in the human nucleus? 46 (23 pairs)
What are chromosomes? Very long molecules of DNA
When and by who was DNA discovered? In 1953 by James Watson & Francis Crick ( After interpreting a photo by Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins )
How is DNA arranged? 2 strands twisted together to form a double helix
What is DNA made from? Lots of small molecules (nucleotides) joined together.
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