Biology B1.1 C - Secrets of genetic code


GCSE (B1 - You & your genes) Biology Fichas sobre Biology B1.1 C - Secrets of genetic code, creado por lily bevan el 02/12/2017.
lily bevan
Fichas por lily bevan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
lily bevan
Creado por lily bevan hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are nucleotides made of? + a common sugar (deoxyribose) + a phosphate group + a base
What are the different bases? + adenine (A) + thymine (T) + guanine (G) + cytosine (C)
How do the bases pair? (base pairing) + A always pairs w/ T + C always pairs w/ G
How is DNA copied? 1. Weak bonds between bases are unzipped & separated into 2 strands 2. Free nucleotides pair w/ exposed bases, forming new strands 3. Because A always pairs w/ T, the 2 new stands are identical.
how does genetic code affect the making of proteins? They determine which amino acids are used to make a protein, & their order. This affects how the polymer folds.
What is a triplet code? The 3 bases on a DNA strand that code for one amino acid.
Where re amino acids joined together to make proteins? @ the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
What is messenger RNA (mRNA) a single strand of DNA that carries information from the nucleus to the ribosome.
What are the differences between DNA and mRNA? + mRNA is only 1 strand + in mRNA thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U)
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