Practical 4 NTK Photos


Practical 4 NTK pictures.
Jada Anderson
Fichas por Jada Anderson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jada Anderson
Creado por Jada Anderson hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Name the muscle. Gluteus Medius
Name the muscle. Sartorius
Name the muscle. Pectoralis major
Name the muscle. Pectoralis minor
Name the muscle. Internal intercostals
Name the muscle. Gracilis
Name the muscle. Acromiodeltoid
Name the muscle. Adductor femoris
Name the muscle. Biceps brachii
Name the muscle. Biceps femoris
Name the muscle. Frontalis
Name the muscle. Brachialis
Name the muscle. Brachioradialis
Name the muscle. Clavotrapezius
Name the muscle. Sternocleidomastoid
Name the muscle. Temporalis
Name the muscle. Tensor fasciae latae
Name the muscle. Diagastric
Name the muscle. Cleidomastoid
Name the muscle. Clavodeltoid
Name the muscle. Deltoid
Name the muscle. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Name the muscle. Extensor carpi radialis longus
Name the muscle. External oblique
Name the muscle. Gastrocnemius
Name the muscle. Gluteus maximus
Name the muscle. Iliopsoas
Name the muscle. Infraspinatus
Name the muscle. Internal oblique
Name the muscle. Latissimus dorsi
Name the muscle. Masseter
Name the muscle. Mylohyoid
Name the muscle. Occipitalis
Name the muscle. Orbicularis oculi
Name the muscle. Orbicularis oris
Name the muscle. Pronator teres
Name the group of muscles. Quadriceps
Name the muscle. Rectus abdominis
Name the muscle. Rectus femoris
Name the muscle group. Rhomboides
Name the muscle. Rhomboides capitis
Name the muscle. Semimembranosus
Name the muscle. Serratus dorsalis cranialis
Name the muscle. Soleus
Name the muscle. Spinotrapezius
Name the muscle. Sternomastoid
Name the muscle. Subscapularis
Name the muscle. Supraspinatus
Name the muscle. Teres major
Name the muscle. Teres minor
Name the muscle. Tibialis anterior
Name the muscle. Transverse abdominis
Name the muscle. Triceps brachii
Name the muscle. Vastus medialis
Name the muscle. Vastus laterialis
Name the muscle. Xiphihumeralis
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