Lack of Consolidation Theory of Forgetting


A-Levels (PSYB2 - Memory) Psychology Fichas sobre Lack of Consolidation Theory of Forgetting, creado por Adam O'Rourke el 31/05/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Fichas por Adam O'Rourke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Adam O'Rourke
Creado por Adam O'Rourke hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Parkin Defined a memory trace as some permanent alteration of the brain substrata in order to represent some past experience
Drachman and Sahakian One group given a neurotransmitter blocking drug, then learned a list of words and recalled after one minute of doing a distractor task. The control group (didnt receive the drug) recalled twice as many words as the other group Shows that consolidation requires neurotransmitters and the process can be disrupted
Yarnell and Lynch The effect of blows to the head and concussion on memory loss American footballers that received concussions during games were asked about the incident as soon as the came round, 3 minutes later and then 20 minutes later When asked immediately they could give a full description but they had little or no recollection 3 and 20 minutes after Blows to the head disrupt the consolidation process
Parkin Argues that consolidation is a lengthily process with two stages 1. Initial Fixation 2. Integration with other memories
Study of HM Epileptic patient and had some of his brain removed. Now cannot create new long-term memories, but he lost memories from 2 years previous, suggests a much longer consolidation process. Corkin, he can learn Procedural Knowledge
Evaluation Emphasis on biological processes Consistent with ideas of the nervous system Unclear how long consolidation takes Most instances of forgetting are not due to drug or blows to the head
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