Emmerson U1


Englisch Fichas sobre Emmerson U1, creado por Sonam Bhuka el 02/01/2018.
Sonam Bhuka
Fichas por Sonam Bhuka, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sonam Bhuka
Creado por Sonam Bhuka hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are (non-)durable goods? = Langlebige Gebrauchsgüter (cars, washing machines) = Verbrauchsgüter (food, clothing)
What is: a) sole trader b) limited liability company c) public limited company a) Einzelunternehmer (owned by one person, unlimited liability) b) GmbH (company is responsible for any debts, quite small, shares cannot be sold c) AG (owned by shareholders
What are: a) SMEs b) SOEs a) small and medium-sized enterprises, private sector (large corp. - self-employed) b) public sector (railways, post office)
What is a: a) trade sale b) merger c) acquisition a) = Unternehmensverkauf: the original small company is absorbed and its name often disappears b) two established companies join to form one c) = takeover: one buys another, often keeps its original trading name and becomes a subsidiary
- consumer discretionary - consumer staples - utilites - Nicht-Basis-Konsumgüter (household durables, luxury goods) - Basiskonsumgüter (food, beverage, personal products) - Versorungsunternehmen (electric, gas, water)
- apparel - constraints - flotation - clothing (business context) - Zwänge, Restriktionen - IPO (synonym)
What is: a) IPO b) underwriting the issue a) reaches a certain size, decides to go public and issues shares on the stock market b) etwas garantieren
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